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Managing Multiple Environments

 I Depending on your system, needs, and resources, it can be advantageous to set up a development or testing environment separate from your production knowledgebase (KB). With a dedicated development space, complex or experimental buildout can be done without locking important production tables or records, and without risk to essential business functions in the production KB. When changes in the development environment are complete and have been tested, they can be moved to the production environment, either using Pushing Changes to Production or by rebuilding manually.

In either case, if changes are made directly in production, either to fix immediate issues or to add simple functionality, it is important to refresh all development or testing KBs with these changes before using them for new buildout.

This page offers recommendations and tips for successful management of multiple environments. For more information about maintaining the environments using sync functionality, see Pushing Changes to Production.

For information on how to make a copy of your production KB, see Transferring Knowledgebases Across Servers.   

You must have access to the admin console in order to copy a KB and to perform some of the steps discussed below.

Distinct Look and Feel

Working with multiple environments introduces the risk of users accidentally making changes to the wrong system. To help prevent these mistakes, it is important to make it obvious which environment is open. There are two common solutions, sometimes used together.

Look and Feel

Set up a different Look and Feel scheme in each KB. The schemes should be very different, so the users can recognize each scheme as belonging to its environment. For example, you might use a company color palate in the production KB, but a completely different set of colors in the other KB.


Add a message at the top of the page, such as THIS IS THE TEST KB.

To edit the page headers, first make sure they're enabled. Go to Setup > System > Manage Global Variables and find the Header Text global variable. If it appears on the Customized Variable tab, then it is ready to use. If not, go to the Variables with Default Values tab and click the Edit icon to add the header. Don't add any text here; just save the variable without making changes.

You can add a Test KB message in several places. We generally recommend using the page header, which doesn't take up extra vertical space.

  • The page header on the toolbar. Go to Setup > System > Edit Page Headers and use the HTML editor to add the header text. The text appears between the global search and the Welcome text at the top of the page.
    THIS IS THE TEST KB header, appearing between the global search bar and the user menu
  • The HTML header above the toolbar. To edit the HTML header, go to Setup > Look and Feel > Power User Interface, edit the scheme, go to the Content tab, and set the HTML Header Text field. A scrolling marquee HTML code block can be useful to add to this section.
  • The logo. To replace the logo with something else, go to Setup > Look and Feel > Power User Interface, edit the scheme, and use Change Logo on the Global tab.
    Agiloft logo with TEST written over it in red letters

Make sure the end result gives you a development or test environment that looks very different from the production environment. You typically don't want to use custom headings like this in the production system, so people may not notice they are in the production system unless they develop a recognition for the distinct look of the other environments.

Environment Configurations

There are several configurations and/or integrations that must be kept distinct between the test and the production systems.


If you use DocuSign, you must disconnect the production DocuSign account from the development or test environment immediately after creating it. You can set up a development DocuSign account afterward if needed, and then link the development KB to that dev account.

These steps should be taken each time you refresh content from production to other environments by copying the KB.

Remove Access to the Production DocuSign Account

  1. Open the development or test environment.

    Do not follow these steps in the production environment.
  2. Go to Setup > Integration > DocuSign Extension and click Configure.
  3. Click Remove Access. This disconnects the production DocuSign account without damaging it in the production KB.

Connect the Development DocuSign Account

First, locate and collect the server and account information for the development account you want to connect. This is typically on a different DocuSign server than the production account.

  1. Open the development or test environment.

    Do not follow these steps in the production environment.
  2. Go to Setup > Integration > DocuSign Extension and click Configure.
  3. Click Change Server. You might need to click the button twice to open the server dialogue. If you click the button a few times and it doesn't work, click Disable DocuSign Connect and then click Change Server.
  4. Enter the new server information.
  5. In the DocuSign Users section, remove any users who won't be used in this environment. 
  6. In the same section, create a new user with the email address for the administrative DocuSign user for the development account.
  7. Click Grant Access.
  8. Add any other users you need for this environment.
  9. Click Enable DocuSign Connect. A new Connect ID should appear and the system should be ready to use.

Reconnect DocuSign in the Production Environment if Needed

On the DocuSign site, log in to the production DocuSign account and go to Admin > Connect. Make sure you see an active  Agiloft connection.

If you don't see an active connection, you need to reset it:

  1. Open the production environment.
  2. Log in as the user whose account uses the same email address as the DocuSign administrative account.
  3. Go to Setup > Integration > DocuSign Extension and click Configure.
  4. Click Disable DocuSign Connect.
  5. Click Enable DocuSign Connect.

Scheduled Imports and Synchronizations

If there are scheduled imports or other time-based rules that run integrations or syncs with other systems, such as Salesforce, you might want to disable all time-based rules until you have time to review them and make any necessary modifications. To test scheduled imports on a test system, you need to have a separate folder for the files so you don't take files from the production system. Likewise, if you sync with any external systems, you need a sandbox external system on the other end to test those syncs. For example, if you sync with Salesforce and you want to test that sync from a test system, you need a test Salesforce sandbox to sync with.


If you use SSO with SAML, you usually need to set up a secondary SAML endpoint, and a separate SAML configuration for each system. If you have a development LDAP server, you need to configure that as well. In both cases, you likely need a separate login page for the development instance.

Inbound Email Accounts

If your system is using inbound email accounts, you need to create separate inbound accounts for each environment, so the development environment does not "steal" the inbound email for the production server. It is best to create a separate test account for each production inbound account, and then to set all accounts up in the production system, but disable the test accounts there. That way, each time you copy production to refresh the dev environment, you just need to disable the production accounts and enable the test ones.

To disable or enable an inbound email account:

  1. Go to Setup > Email and SMS > Configure Inbound Email.
  2. Edit the account in question.
  3. On the Account tab, set the Activity option to "This account is actively polling for emails."

Optional Email Tagging

If you are concerned about users being confused about which system is sending them email, you might want to tag the test emails. There are a couple of ways to do this.

Set a Distinct Default Outbound Address

If most of your emails appear to come from the default outbound email address, you can simply change that address to one with the word TEST prominently featured. To do this, go to Setup > Email and SMS > Email Server Settings. This is best practice in any case.

Include a Tag in the Email Subject

If you want even more differentiation between production and test emails, you can set up a field variable and use it in all email templates to insert a signifying word, such as TEST, in front of the subject line of emails sent by the test system. This is more involved to set up. 

  1. Create a table called Email Prefix and create one short text field in it called Prefix.
  2. In the Production system, add one record with a blank value in that field. In the Dev system, change that value to TEST.
  3. In the People table, add a link to selected fields showing Email Prefix ID and Prefix values from that new table. Set it to a default value of ID=1 (or whatever the ID is of the record you created). This creates a global variable that can be used anywhere in the system.
  4. Mass edit users to set all of them to have this default value in the new linked field.
  5. Now update all email templates to insert the global variable at the front of the subject line. For example, "$global.my_prefix Your contract has been updated" might be an email template subject line.

When an email is sent from the production system, the variable is blank. When you send email from the dev system, if you have changed the value to TEST, that value is displayed at the front of the subject line.

Handling Email Addresses

In the test system, you can prevent inadvertently spamming users with test emails by mass editing all user records to remove email addresses. Simply leave the email addresses of the users who are involved in the testing or development. This prevents any scheduled reports, escalation rules, or other automated communications from bothering the rest of the users.

Of course, you can also just turn off all outbound email from the dev server, but that prevents any actual testing of outbound emails.

Refresh Checklist

In most cases, changes made in the dev system are pushed to production using entity sync, as described in Pushing Changes to Production. However, if any changes have been made directly in the production system, the dev system might need to be refreshed to reflect those changes. A KB refresh is done by copying the production system and replacing the dev KB with that copy.

Refreshing a KB in this way completely overrides everything in the original system, and is a complete replacement. A KB refresh typically requires checking and updating all integrations, such as e-signature, to reconnect them and restore any settings that were not present in the production KB that was copied. If there is any data present in the dev KB that is not present in the production KB, refreshing the dev KB will remove that data.

To refresh other environments successfully and avoid issues and troubleshooting, it is best to create a checklist specifically to prepare for and perform a successful refresh from production.

The checklist depends on your system and configurations, so it is strongly recommended you modify this example checklist to suit your needs.

Before Refresh
  • Make sure the non-production system is running a release that is as current or later than the production system
  • Export any necessary test data (standard test users, background data, etc.) so that you can import it back after the refresh
  • Locate appropriate license keys for the test system; it is best to store these keys in the checklist document for easy reference
  • For SSO, URL global variables, integrations, and other connections to external systems, store all the configuration information in screenshots and text in your checklist document so you can copy and paste it after the refresh
After Refresh
  • Either turn off outbound email entirely or delete email addresses from all except the test users to avoid spamming people with scheduled reports, escalation rules, and normal notifications
  • Disable the production DocuSign account
  • Turn off inbound and outbound email on the test system immediately; later, reconfigure them:
    • Disable the production email accounts
    • Enable or configure the test inbound email accounts
    • Modify the default outbound email address as needed.
  • (Optional) Update the email variable record with different text (such as "TEST: ")
  • Change the main global variables, such as login URL, exit URL, staff title. If your Dev KB is on a different server, change the hotlinkserverroot variable to point to that server's hostname.
  • Apply a different Look and Feel scheme and make any other visual changes to the test KB to make it really obvious which system you are in
  • Reinstall appropriate licenses using the test system license keys
  • Reconfigure any SSO, such as SAML or LDAP, if there is a development system; it is best to store all the configuration information in screenshots and text in your checklist document so you can just copy and paste it
  • Reconfigure DocuSign with the development DocuSign account
  • Review any scheduled imports or other integrations:
    • Replace any links that reference an environment-specific SFTP URL, such as import or export actions
    • Turn off scheduled imports or reconfigure as needed
    • Check any custom tables or objects being synced with Salesforce
    • If you use Integration Hub, submit a Support ticket to reset Workato properties in your system; if you use Integration Hub with Salesforce, update your Org IDs in Salesforce webhooks to reflect the correct ID for the refreshed environment
  • Update scripts as needed; they may need to be updated or redirected, or have their global variables changed
  • Delete production data as necessary
  • Check Microsoft Word Services Integration to determine whether it needs to be reconfigured for this specific KB. If the test fails, verify that the necessary scripts are in place for that KB, including the global variables.