This guide describes the Standard System Demo setup of
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- Overview - Introduction to the Standard Knowledgebase Guide, such as basic information about use cases and processes
- Power User Interface – Introduction to the Power User Interface
- Admin Setup Menu – Overview of the Setup menu options
- End User Interface – Introduction to the End User Interface
- Vendor Supplier Portal – Introduction to the Vendor Supplier Portal, which allows vendors suppliers to interact with the system
- User Roles – Overview of managing user permissions and the default user roles
- Background Tables – Overview of background tables, which are used in multiple modules and store basic information about people, places, and organizations
- Global Process Tables – Overview of approvals, tasks, and time entries, which are used in multiple modules such as contract management and service desk
- Contract Management Tables – Overview of tables dedicated to managing the contract lifecycle, including e-signature and approval workflows
- Sourcing Event Management Tables – Overview of tables dedicated to creating, approving, and posting sourcing events including selection and contract creation
- Supplier Management Tables - Overview of tables dedicated tables dedicated to onboarding and approving new vendorssuppliers, and supplier performance management
- Matter Management Tables – Overview of the Matter Management function with details about the tables
- Service Desk Operation Tables – Overview of tables dedicated to service desk operations, which are used to create an internal or external helpdesk system
- Project Management Tables – Overview of tables dedicated to organizing projects and managing purchase orders
- Sales CRM Tables – Overview of tables dedicated to tracking and automating sales leads, opportunities, and quotes
- Documents Table – Overview of tables dedicated to holding records for published documents
- System Tables – Overview of tables dedicated to managing other automation and functions, such as the EUI Templates Table and Replacement Variables Table
- Artificial Intelligence Tables – Overview of tables that can be used with AI if AI has been enabled