Sourcing Budget Items Table
The Sourcing Budget Items table is used to hold budget records for Sourcing Events. Each record contains a fiscal year, cost center, budget amount, and is linked to a Sourcing Event record. Records in this table are created from within Sourcing Event records, where they are displayed in a related table on the 'Budget' tab. All Active Sourcing Budget Item records linked to a Sourcing Event record make up the total budget for that Sourcing Event.
Use Case
Sourcing Budget Items can be created by Sourcing Event Requesters/Managers from a Sourcing Event. The 'Include Budget' option on the main tab, if set to 'Yes', makes the 'Budget' tab visible. There, one can select the Cost Center and Fiscal Year, add a Budget Amount, and click the 'Add Budget' button to convert the details to a Sourcing Budget Item.
Sourcing Budget Items are fully controlled by Budget Managers, who can review, add, or remove Sourcing Budget Items from any Sourcing Event.
All Sourcing Budget Items are created in an 'Active' status by default. A record's status can be changed to 'Inactive' if it no longer needs to be counted toward the overall Sourcing Event budget.
When a Sourcing Event is converted to a Contract, all the associated Sourcing Budget Items are converted to Contract Budget Items via a linked record action.
Sourcing Budget Item records are owned by their creator. Specifically, a Sourcing Budget Item record is owned by the user whose Login matches the Creator Login field.