Response Scores Table
This table holds records that reflect the individual scored criteria in a Response Evaluation.
Use Cases
The use cases that involve the Response Scores table generally include either creating or updating Response Score records.
Response Score Creation
Response Score records are created by conversion when a Response Evaluation record is created and the Sourcing Event Scoring Method field is set to Manual Scoring. A rule converts each Sourcing Event Criteria into a Response Score record.
Updating Response Scores
Evaluators will enter data primarily in the Earned Score and Notes columns using Quick Edit in the table view shown in Response Evaluations.
A rule evaluates the benchmark, determines if the score is below the benchmark, and sets Below Benchmark field appropriately.
In the Standard System Demo, the Response Score table contains one active rule. This rule is accessed by expanding the Response Score table in the left pane, selecting Setup Response Score, and then selecting the Rules tab:
Edit: All Edits by Web: This rule compares the earned score with the benchmark score and sets the value to the Below Benchmark field appropriately.
Records are owned by their creator and can be created by Admin groups and Response Evaluators and Sourcing Event Creators, Managers and Requesters. These groups can view and edit their own Response Score records. Only Admins and Sourcing Event Managers can edit records owned by others.