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EUI Templates Table

The EUI in EUI Templates stands for End User Interface. The EUI Templates is a background table that holds records that contain HTML files. These HTML files are used to create customized End User Interfaces. It contains sample files that can be used, but you can also create your own HTML files and upload the HTML content to records in this table.

Use Case

EUI Template records, and the HTML files contained within them, undergo little or no change during their lifetimes. There are no workflows, rules, or actions are associated with them, and no charts, reports or saved searches exist for this table.

EUI and Documents Table

When the Documents Table is enabled, the EUI can be configured to give end users access to the table. In order to enable this, the main.php and menu.htm files need to be edited so that all references to and global.home.file are and global.home-doc.file, respectively. These references can be found in '#ew_include("$ewText.get('')")' calls in those html pages.

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