Calendar Events

This table contains event records displayed in the Calendar block in the left pane, or using a normal table view.

Use Case

The Calendar Events table is a special table used in the power user interface Calendar pane feature. Records in this table display as events in the Calendars for the individuals and groups that they reference. Calendar records are mostly static and do not have any default associated workflow or email setup. The Calendar pane is only available to power users, and cannot be made available to end users.

By default, only members of the admin, Project Manager, Base Servicedesk, Business Admin, and Change Manager groups may create Calendar records. No other groups have access to view Calendar entries by default, so other power user groups using the Calendar pane must be individually activated or given view and edit permissions. Records in this table are "owned" by their creators, and are linked to the creator's login.

Creating Calendar Events

A calendar event can be created from both releases and change requests. In a release, calendar events can be created using the buttons in the Release Schedule section on the Schedule and Tasks tab. All events for the release are shown in the Calendar Events table.

Events within a release

In a change request, calendar events can be created using the buttons in the Change Scheduling - Required to Generate Tasks section on the Schedule and Tasks tab. All events for the change request are shown in the Calendar Events table.

Events within a change request

Calendar Events Layout

Most of the information for a calendar event is on the Event tab.

Screenshot of Calendar Event layout

Options for Status are Active, Canceled, and Past. The default for a new event is Active, and the Status will be set to Past automatically once the End Time arrives. The Status can manually be set to Canceled if the event is no longer needed. Fields mapped from the change request or release include:

  • Start Time
  • Duration
  • Change Request ID or Release ID
  • Description
  • Personal Invitations
  • Team Invitations


The following automation runs on records in the Calendar Events table:

  • When a calendar event is created, the End Time is calculated by adding the Duration to the Start Time
  • When a calendar event is created from a change request, a rule runs to:
    • Append Event Type and Change Request ID to the event's Description
    • Append the Admin Team, Change Management Team, and Service Management Team to the Team Invitations for the event
    • Set an internal link within the event based on the Change Request ID
  • When a calendar event is created from a release, a rule runs to:
    • Append Event Type and Release ID to the event's Description
    • Append the Admin Team, Change Management Team, and Release Management Team to the Team Invitations for the event
    • Set an internal link within the event based on the Release ID
  • A time-based rule that runs daily, but is disabled by default, checks for any events that are Active, but in which the End Time has passed. It sets the Status of these records to Past.

  • No labels