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Chart Widgets

Chart widgets display graphical charts on the Dashboard, and allow you to refine them in real-time and open the full chart or a table when clicked. For more information on creating graphical charts, see Create and Edit Charts and Reports

Similarly, if you choose to create a new chart in the widget, it is saved to its respective table charts library. In the Dashboard, clicking an item in the chart legend filters the chart in real-time by excluding that item.

Animated chart

Chart widgets also support drill downs. If a drill down is added to a chart widget, clicking one of the groupings on the chart drills down to the next configured level of data. See drill downs for more information. 

Creating Chart Widgets

To choose a chart...

  1. Open the Widget wizard:

    • From the Dashboard wizard, click New in the widget section of the General tab
    • From a Dashboard, use the arrow drop-down to select Manage widgets, then create or edit a Chart widget
  2. On the General tab, give the widget a name and description, select the widget type, and select a visual style for the widget.

  3. In the Options tab, select a Table, and then select a chart from the list that appears, or click New to open the Charts and Reports wizard. This opens a simplified wizard that is limited to JavaScript Graphical Charts
    Widget selection

  4. Choose whether the widget should apply any configured Dashboard Filters when users apply them. This recalculates the chart in real-time with the data filtered accordingly, similar to clicking the refresh icon in the widget.

  5. Choose the widget behavior when the user clicks on the widget header. This can either open a full-sized window of the chart with greater detail, including the Report tab if relevant, or it can open a table of results. 
  6. If desired, select the Auto-refresh? checkbox to automatically update the widget at a specified interval. Auto-refreshing too many widgets too often can impact performance, so use this option selectively.
  7. On the Apply tab, choose whether to keep the widget visibility settings or make it visible to additional or different teams.
  8. Click Finish.

Chart Layout Appearance

The chart can be added to the dashboard in the Layouts tab of the Dashboard setup. Note that the underlying size of the chart will have an effect on the way it displays on the dashboard. If the chart is too large, it can appear compressed or overlapping on the dashboard. You can test out the appearance by saving a layout and viewing it in the live dashboard.