supports the OAuth Authorization Code Flow to obtain access tokens from our authorization server. It is a secure and flexible flow that can be used by both confidential and public clients. This requires you to configure an OAuth2 client in your knowledgebase (KB) by creating an API application, which requests permission and authentication from the user before performing any API requests on their behalf. When an API request is made, the user is redirected to the API application, asked to authenticate themselves and grant the requested permissions, and then redirected to the web application.

The Authorization Code Flow is considered to be the most secure OAuth flow because it does not expose the access token to the user. It is recommended for use by all clients, but it is especially important for confidential clients that need to store access tokens securely.

Here are some examples of who should use the OAuth Authorization Code Flow:

's implementation of OAuth2 complies with the OAuth 2.0 specification and provides a variety of security benefits, as described in RFC 6749.

You need the Advanced or Premium edition of to use REST APIs. This feature works only with native  users; it is not compatible with LDAP.

Creating an API Application

The OAuth2 client setup begins with creating and configuring a new API application. When you create the application, you associate it with a specific user in the KB to determine which permissions are used when the server handles a REST API call. All REST API requests will be executed on behalf of this user.

To create an API application:

  1. Click the Setup gear in the top-right corner and go to Integration > OAuth2 Client Setup.
  2. Click Deploy or Configure:
  3. On the API Application screen, click New to open the API Application Settings wizard.
  4. Complete the required fields:
    1. Name: The name that the application uses with's REST API.
    2. Display Name: The name of the application that appears in the KB.
    3. Associate this Application with Contact ID: The ID of the user associated with the application. All permissions for this user are used when the REST API is called. This field is automatically populated when you select a user in the Full Name field.
    4. Full Name: The name of the user associated with the application.
    5. Redirect URI: The webpage where you want to redirect users at the end of the authorization process. The redirect URI specified in your OAuth request must belong to this URI.
    6. Token Expiry in Minutes: The amount of time in minutes before the access token expires. The default value is 15, and the acceptable range is from 1 to 60.
  5. Click Apply Changes.
  6. Click Enable. This activates the application and generates the Client ID and Client Secret, which are used during the token exchange.

     If you need to block your application for any reason, click Disable, which replaces Enable after it's been clicked.

Changing Application Settings

Verify that your application settings are correct so that you don't need to change them later. If you need to change your application's settings but have already completed the authentication procedure described below, you need to re-authenticate for your changes to take effect. If you need to make changes but have already received an access token, you need to revoke the access token, make the changes, and then obtain a new access token for your changes to take effect. See Revoking Tokens for more information.

Changes to the values in the Associate this Application with Contact ID field or the Redirect URI field can sometimes block your application. If this happens, recreate the application with the correct settings.

You can change the Token Expiry in Minutes value without performing the re-authentication procedure. Changes to this field take effect when the next access token is requested.

OAuth Token Exchange

After the API application is created, the OAuth authorization process occurs through a series of HTTP calls made to various endpoints on the KB server. The following section describes the process and serves as a reference for the parameters in each client request and server response.

Authorization Request

The OAuth process starts with the client directing the user's browser to make a request to the /ewws/oauth endpoint, where the Content-Type must be in the form application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The request includes the following query string parameters:

response_typecodeYesDefines the response type and must always have a value of code.
client_idObtained from API Application Settings wizardYesIdentifies an application.
redirect_uriAbsolute URI defined on the API Application Settings wizard, such as https://example.agiloft.comYesDefines where the user is redirected at the end of the authorization process. The value must belong to the set of values specified on API Application Settings wizard.
scopepermissions_for:{CONTACT_ID}YesDefines the permissions that the user is asked to approve, which are determined by the Contact ID defined in the API Application Settings wizard. For example, if the Associate this Application with Contact ID field is set to 222, then this parameter should be set to permissions_for:222.
stateAny stringRecommendedDenotes a value that is returned to the client as a parameter at the end of the authorization process, which verifies the validity of the request. Although this parameter is not required, we highly recommended using it to protect against cross-site request forgery (CSRF), as described in RFC 6749.

The authorization request asks the user to authenticate themselves and then authorize the request, which redirects the user to the URI value defined for the redirect_uri parameter.

Successful Authorization Request

If the request succeeds, the following query string parameters are sent to the client in response:

stateReturns the value of the state parameter from the authorization request.
codeIndicates the authorization code for use in the upcoming access token request. This code is valid for five minutes. Protecting the authorization code, which is a secret, is one of the security implications of this OAuth flow.
api_access_pointDefines the base URI for all REST API calls that use an access token, if any. If this value is empty, use the base URI for your KB's server.
clientProvides system information.
HTTP/1.1 302 Found

Failed Request

If the request fails, the following query string parameters are sent to the client in response:

errorDefines the error code. See below for a description of each error code.
error_descriptionDescribes why the request failed.

The following error codes are possible:

invalid_requestThe request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed.
unauthorized_clientThe client is not authorized to request an authorization code using this method.
access_deniedThe resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
unsupported_response_typeThe authorization server does not support obtaining an authorization code using this method.
invalid_scopeThe requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed. See the scope parameter description in the Authorization Request section above.
server_errorThe authorization server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Access Token Request

If the authorization request is successful, the client makes an HTTP POST to the /ewws/otoken endpoint by using the api_access_point value retrieved in the previous step. The following parameters are used:

grant_typeauthorization_codeYesDefines the grant type, which must always be authorization_code.
codeThe authorization code obtained in the previous stepYesConfirms that the previous step was successful.
client_idObtained from the API Application Settings wizardYesIdentifies the application.
redirect_uriMust match the value used in the previous stepYesThis value must belong to the set of values specified in API Application Settings wizard.
POST /ewws/otoken HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Successful Access Token Response

The authorization code from the request is exchanged for OAuth2 tokens, and the server returns a JSON array with the following keys:


The access token, which can be used as an authorization header in the REST API.

refresh_tokenThe refresh token, which can be used to get a new access token. Refresh tokens expire after 28 days of inactivity. 
token_typeThe value will always be Bearer.
expires_inThe expiration time in minutes for the access token.

Refresh Request

At any time the client can use the refresh token to receive a new access token. To start a request, the client makes an HTTP POST to the /ewws/otoken endpoint by using the api_access_point value retrieved during the authorization request. The following parameters are used:

grant_typerefresh_tokenYesThe value must always be refresh_token.
md5_secretThe first 20 characters of the Client Secret, obtained from API Application Settings wizardYesAuthenticates the application.
refresh_tokenRefresh token received during the previous stepYesDefines the refresh token.
POST /ewws/otoken HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


The refresh token can then be used to generate a new access token. The server returns a JSON array with the following keys:


The access token, which can be used as an authorization header in the REST API.

token_typeThe value will always be Bearer.
expires_inThe expiration time in minutes of the access token.

Revoking Tokens

Access tokens and refresh tokens can be revoked at any time by the authorizing user. REST operations cannot be performed with a token that has been revoked. If an access token is revoked and it has a corresponding refresh token, the refresh token is also revoked. If a refresh token is revoked, all the access tokens issued from that refresh token are also revoked. 

Refresh tokens can be revoked by making a POST call to the /ewws/orevoke endpoint by using the api_access_point value retrieved during the authorization request. The following parameters are used:

revoke_forOAuth2 refresh token or Client Secret key from API Application Settings wizardYesDefines the refresh token or Client Secret Key.
POST /ewws/orevoke HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Response to Revoking a Token

If the request to revoke the token succeeds, an HTTP success code 200 is returned with an empty body or without any body at all. If the request fails, an HTTP code 400 is returned with the error code INVALID_REQUEST.

  "error" : "INVALID_REQUEST",
  "error_description" : "Invalid token."

Bypassing Content-Type Header Check

This section is visible only to authenticated users, since this method is not recommended.

In some cases, when designing integrations in accordance with RFC, you might need to bypass the Content-Type header check requirement for REST OAuth2 requests. This method is not recommended, because the Content-Type header check is a security measure, so use this only as a last resort.

To bypass this requirement:

  1. In the admin console, create a new Text global variable named ignore_oauth_content_type and set it to the IDs of the KBs where you want to bypass the check. For example, you might enter 66,77,13 to bypass three KBs with those IDs.
  2. In the KB, go to Setup > System > Manage Global Variables and create a Choice global variable named disable_content_type_validation_at_api_oauth_login. Assign it the Yes/No choice list and set it to Yes.

Now, with both variables set, /ewws/oauth,  /ewws/otoken, and /ewws/orevoke operations won't require a specific Content-Type header.

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