This table holds insurance certificates linked as attachments to Companies and Contracts. Each record in the table represents one insurance certificate linked to a unique vendor company, but may be linked to one or more contracts.

Use Case

Insurance certificates can be created in one of three ways:

New Insurance Certificates are created with a default Status of Valid. They may also have a Status of Expired or Contract Inactive. The Expiration Date and Main Contact are required fields. The Main Contact is the person at the vendor company from whom a replacement certificate can be requested. You can customize the Type of Certificate choice list as needed; the default options include Auto, Worker's Comp, Excess Liability, General Liability, etc.

Insurance certificates are primarily linked to vendor companies in the Company table. Once you add an insurance certificate to a vendor record, it can be linked to any contracts with that vendor.

Insurance certificate records contain information about related contracts for reference, held in the Contracts field. A time based rule, disabled by default, is designed to update the Contracts linked field with all contracts for that vendor that are currently pending or active. As a result, insurance certificates are automatically displayed within those contracts.

An Insurance Certificate Owner is defined in the company record just above the Insurance Certificates related table. The Insurance Certificate Owner is notified fourteen days before one or more certificates is due to expire.
When the Expiration Date arrives, the certificate's Status is updated in one of two ways:


Insurance Certificate records are owned by their creator. Specifically, an Insurance Certificate record is owned by the user whose Login matches the Creator Login field.


The Insurance Certificates table contains rules that send notifications about upcoming expiring certificates.