This helper class allows setting a value either related to the record or to the exit conditions of the script action.

The discussion here assume that “set_data” has been defined in the main function as follows:

set_data = ALset(outputXMLFile)

Setting Values

The specific examples call functions of “set_data” to set values. Many types of values can be set.

A standard field in the current record

The recordField function assigns a value to a standard field in the record, or removes the field if the value is undefined.

Syntax: recordField(name, value)

#Set the 'priority' field based on the variable Value1
	set_data.recordField('priority', Value1)

Attached files from the current record

These functions add, remove, and replace files in a specified attachment field in the record.


#Add the file "sample.txt" located at C:\tmp to the file "attached_files".
#The general format is ALset.addFile(fieldName, fileName, filePath).   The absolute path must be used.
	ALset.addFile('attached_files', 'sample.txt', 'C:\tmp\')

#Remove the file "old.txt" from the "attached_files" field
	ALset.delFile('attached_files', 'old.txt')

#Replace the file "old.txt" in the "attached_files" field with the file "new.txt" located at C:\tmp. Note that this is only used with file versioning.
	replaceFile('attached_files', 'old.txt', 'new.txt', 'C:\tmp\')

A message to be displayed to the user

The message function sets a message to be displayed to the user.

Syntax: message(message)

#Set the user message based on the variable Value2

A redirect URL to open after script execution

The redirect function specifies the URL to open after the script execution is completed.

Syntax: redirect(value)

#Set a redirect url based on the variable Value3

An exit action

The exitAction function determines whether the record is saved or rolled back, and whether the user is redirected. Set the value parameter to one of the available exit codes:

Note that the syntax for the value parameter is an integer.

Syntax: exitAction(value)

#Set the exit action. The only accepted actions are the 4 shown.

Saving the file once the changes are complete

The save function saves the resulting XML to the fileName file, or to the output file used on object creation if no fileName is specified.

Syntax: save(fileName)

#Save the output file. This is necessary to make sure the changes are actually conveyed back to the system.

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