Teams are used to define collections of users, and can be accessed by clicking the Setup gear in the top-right corner and go to Access > Manage Teams. Users can be a part of multiple teams, but must always have a Primary Team. The Primary Team determines a lot about how you can interact with the system, so it is vital that users in your system are assigned to the right team. Improper team assignments can prevent employees from doing their jobs, or can enable someone to approve records they shouldn't be able to approve

End Users

For end users, teams are used to control how the End User Interface (EUI) appears. In the Standard System Demo, the end user teams are Customer Team and Supplier Team. If you have multiple teams that require different branding, color schemes or views, multiple EUIs need to be created. EUIs are stored in the EUI templates table, and are selected through the Primary Team field. Teams can also be associated with a different default language, so it makes sense to have language-based customer teams if you plan to operate in a multi-lingual environment.

Power Users

For power users, teams are also used as a way to assign ownership for records requiring completion, follow through, or approval. Each assignment group requires a separate team. For example, whenever someone creates a Support Task record, the Support Team is notified and is expected to complete the task. Teams can be hierarchical, so it is wise to set up a hierarchy that can send an email to a mid-level team where the members of the mid-level team's sub-teams also receive the email. Power users are assigned a Primary Team, which defines their Look and Feel scheme and default table views. Power users should be members of as many additional teams as needed, so that they are included in relevant emails and assignment lists.

Accessing Teams

The Teams table is used to store Team records in the Standard System Demo. Access teams from Setup > Access > Manage Teams. In the Teams table, you can view the list of teams in your system, as well as their ID and a brief description.

Team Record Settings

Each Team record holds an interesting array of settings that are used to ensure that each member has access to the correct data. These settings are configured using the tabs of the Teams wizard.

Working Hours

Team records contain a special hard-coded field called Working Hours. This field is configured under a tab in the Team wizard with the same name. The Working Hours tab is used to determine each team's Working Hours, which can be used to control when emails are sent.


The Language tab determines the language that the EUI appears in for that team. The system supports 20 different languages, as well as additional dialects for Chinese and Portuguese.

Date Format

The settings of a user's Primary Team controls how the default date and time fields appear. For example, Primary Team defines whether a date field is displayed as May 15 2020 18:00 or 05/15/20 6:00 PM. This is determined on the Format tab of the Teams wizard for each particular team. Some individual date fields can be configured to always use a specific, customized format, but if they use the default format, then the person's Primary Team determines the format that the user sees. This format is used wherever a date or time field is used throughout the system and on document templates. 

Custom Fields

Team records contain fields for dates, the team name, label, description, Team Leader, and some screen refresh options. From a customization standpoint, you can use the Custom Fields tab of the Table wizard to modify some fields that come by default in the Standard System Demo, or you can add new fields to the Teams table by:

  1. Clicking the arrow next to Teams in the left pane
  2. Clicking Setup [Teams]
  3. Clicking the Fields tab 

Team Membership

Team membership, particularly Primary Team membership, determines a user's working hours, email distribution, available views, Look and Feel schemes, and search access. However, team membership itself is determined by two Person record fields that are linked to the Teams Table: a single-choice Primary Team field and a multi-choice Teams field. By default, the Standard System Demo adds the Primary Team value to the multi-choice Teams field. This way, all of a user's team memberships can be found in a single field, which makes searching and filtering easier. 

When you initially import users into the system, you can import both their Primary Team and Teams using multiple comma-separated values with no spaces. Once users are in the system, you can update team membership by:

Default Teams

The teams shown below are the default teams available in the Standard System Demo. You can delete any of the default teams you do not need, create additional teams, or rename the default teams to match your company's naming conventions. You can delete, create, or edit teams from Setup > Access > Manage Teams.



1st Level Support Team

First Level Support Team

2nd Level Support Team

Second Level Support Team

Admin Team

Used for system notifications about rules, emails, and other errors

Backup and Storage Team

Asset Backup and Storage Team

Budget Management TeamTeam for Budget Managers

Change Advisory Board

Change Advisory Board

Change Approver Team

Change Approver Team

Change Management Team

Change Team

Clause Library Team

Manages language in the clause library

Company TeamMain parent team for other internal teams

Compliance Team Approver

Compliance Team used in contract approvals

Configuration Management Team

Asset Team

Contract Creator Team

For contract requesters

Contract Management Team

Contract Management Team

Custom Applications Team

Asset Software Team

Customer Team

External Customer Team

Database Team

Asset Database Team

Desktop Applications Team

Asset Desktop and Support Team

Document Creator Team

Document Creator Team for internal end users. If using external users, then change the parent team.

Document Management Team

Team for Document Management

Document Reviewers Team

People who have been identified to review documents.

Evaluation Committee Team

Team members evaluate and score Responses.

Executive TeamExecutives for Contract and Sourcing Event approvers

Facilities Team

Facilities support team

Finance Team Approver

Finance team used in contract approvals

HR Team

Human Resources Team. Acts on new employee Service Request Tasks.

Internal Customer Team

Internal Customer Team

Internal Signer Team

For contract signers

IT Executive Board

IT Executive Board

Legal Management Team

Legal Team who manages and approves contracts

Legal Requester TeamFor people submitting legal requests
Legal Team ApproverLegal Team member who approves contracts
Litigation TeamHandle matters about litigation

Marketing Team

Marketing Team

Network Operations Team

Asset Network Team

Project Manager Team

Team for internal projects

Purchasing Team

Purchasing Team responsible for purchase requests

QA Team

QA for software changes

Risk Team

Risk team approves contracts

Sales Team

Sales Team

Security Team

Asset Security and Support and Change Team

Service Management Team

This is the primary team for Service Managers

Sourcing Event Creator Team

Team that requests Sourcing Events.

Sourcing Event Manager Team

Manages all Sourcing Events.

System Admin Team

Asset Sys Admin Team

Supplier Evaluator TeamTeam for users that perform Supplier Evaluations.

Supplier Management Team

Internal Supplier Management Team

Supplier Team

End User team submits Responses.