For any number of reasons, you might need to add a lot of data to your system at once, such as transferring a full list of contacts for a new company or uploading documents for past contracts. This article details how to perform data imports in . You can import record data into from a variety of file types.

If you're importing data into the Contract table, refer to the Importing Contract Data section for more specific recommendations.

Importing Data

Data is imported from a text, XML, or JSON file, or an Excel spreadsheet. Before uploading the file, check the fields and data naming conventions. The labels on the import document should closely match the labels for the fields they will be mapped to. A great way to create an import template is to export a single record from the table to populate a spreadsheet with the appropriate field names. If you are using the Data Import Excel template, provided by staff, copy and paste your data into a clean spreadsheet before beginning your import.

If you need to import to multiple tables, you can simply create separate files for each table and follow the steps below for each. Alternatively, you can put your data in one Excel spreadsheet, with one worksheet tab for each table's data. To use one file with multiple tables, click the Setup gear in the top-right corner and click Import to perform your import, instead of using the table action bar as described in steps 1-2. Then, when you reach the Options tab, map each worksheet to each table at the bottom of the tab. Map them sequentially, so tables with background records are listed first, and tables that link to those records are listed last.

Make sure to validate the data in your file before you import it. For example, use the Data > Filter tool in Excel to check choice field columns for typos. You can even use an Excel data validation tool or the Fuzzy Lookup add-on to check for other potential problems.

Uploading an import file may take several minutes, depending on the number of records and overall file size.

  1. Navigate to the table into which you would like to import data. 
  2. Hover over Actions on the action bar and click Import. The Import wizard opens.
  3. On the Data Source tab, select the source of the data. You can upload files from the local hard drive, the server home directory, or a local Outlook file.
  4. On the File Name tab, browse for, select, and upload your file.
    Data source
  5. On the Data Format tab, select the file type of the file you uploaded in step two. Your options are Tab-delimited text, Other text file, Excel spreadsheet, XML file, or JSON.
  6. On the Options tab, choose whether to run rules and workflow options, and whether any passwords are already encrypted.
  7. On the Table tab, set the available options. The options depend on the file type selected on the Data Format tab, but might include:
  8. On the Records tab, choose what to do with existing records: 
  9. If you chose an option that mentions "matching records," set the additional matching options:
  10. If applicable, set the remaining options on the Records tab. 
  11. On the Fields tab, define how to map the data in your import file to the system fields. If your spreadsheet closely matches the field names, or if you exported a record to create an import template, this process is easier because the system attempts to match the imported fields based on data type and field name.
  12. Click Test to test your import. This reveals potential errors, such as conflicting unique values, which you can resolve before you perform the actual import.
  13. Click Finish to complete your import. The system generates a summary of the import process and number of imported records.

Importing Attached Files

To import attached files in bulk, you need to do some additional file preparation.

  1. Create a folder named files with all the attached files. The folder must be named files, with no additional characters.

    If your files are stored in subfolders, it's preferable to modify any duplicate names and extract them all to the same shared folder before you import them. If you must retain the subfolders, please contact your implementation specialist for more information about your particular import use case.

  2. Create an Excel spreadsheet or .csv text file to serve as an index file. Use the first column for a unique field in the target table, and the second column as a list of file names. For a unique field, you might use the ID, an agreement number, or any other field that will be unique in the table as the unique identifier field.
  3. Populate the file with all your file names and IDs. If you must upload a files folder that includes subfolders, the file names must include the file path, such as subfolder/file.pdf.
    Excel file exampleNotepad example
  4. When you're finished, save the file in the same directory as the files folder.
  5. Select the folder and the text file. Create a .zip file containing the folder and the main file, such as Both the spreadsheet and the files folder should be at the root of the archive, not enclosed in any other folder.
    Creating a .zip file

Now you can import the .zip file you created. Use the process outlined in Importing Data to import your records.

  1. Select your table in the left pane, hover over the Actions button on the action bar, and click Import.
  2. On the Data Source tab, choose Local hard drive.
  3. On the File Name tab, upload your .zip file.
  4. On the Data Format tab, choose the format of the index file you created, either Excel or Other Text file.
  5. On the Table tab, choose your preferred options.
  6. On the Records tab:

  7. On the Fields tab, map the columns from your index file to the unique identifier field and the file field.

    The Contracts table has a field specifically for this purpose, titled Transitional Contract Files. Any file attached to this field in a contract record is automatically placed in a related entry in the Attachments table. This allows multiple attachments to be tracked for a given contract. Be sure to choose to run rules on import when uploading contracts to this file field.

  8. Click Finish to run the import/update. When done, check your data and validate that the attached files were added.

Importing Data into Multi-Value Enabled Fields

When importing data into multiple values enabled (MVE) fields, the values must be comma-separated. However, when attempting to import text strings into a MVE field, the text may contain a comma. For example, a company name may have commas, such as  Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development. In these cases, you need to use another unique field for importing purposes. In most cases this would be some type of ID field. However, if an ID integer field is being used for import with an MVE field type, it must be delimited with a comma even if there is only one value. 

Company A has structured their Company table to have multiple Parents per Company to represent their internal divisions. To see detailed information about the parent company, they chose to have a link to selected fields with MVE. At the time of the import, each company only had one parent and therefore only one integer to import. The following values will import correctly when a comma is appended to the Parent Unique ID integer field.


Company Name

Company Acronym

Company Level

Parent Unique ID

4Audit and Evaluation Sector (AEBS)AEBSSector
5Intellectual Property Office (IPO)CIPOSector
6Chief Information Office (CIO)CIOSector
21Audit and Evaluation Branch (AEB)AEBBranch4,
22Business Services Branch (CIPO-BSB)CIPO-BSBBranch5,
23Copyright and Industrial Designs Branch (CIPO-CID)CIPO-CIDBranch5,
24Corporate Strategies & Services (CIPO-CSS)CIPO-CSSBranch5,
29Trademarks Opposition Board (CIPO-TMOB)CIPO-TMOBBranch5,
30Business Services Branch (CIO-BSB)CIO-BSBBranch6,
31CIPO Business Solutions Branch (CIO-CBSB)CIO-CBSBBranch6,

Importing Contract Data

There are some best practices specifically for importing contract information into our out-of-the-box Contract Management system. Because data, such as company and contact names, are linked between tables, it's important to import records in the right order. The Contracts table also includes a special field for attached files that automatically creates related Attachment records when files are added to it.

If this is a preliminary import, or if you're introducing new records for any of the following tables, import data in this order: 1) Companies, 2) Locations, 3) People, and 4) Contracts.

If you are introducing no new records for tables other than the Contracts table, skip directly to importing your Contracts data in Step 4.

Follow this order of operations for imports:

  1. Prepare and import your company-level information.
  2. Prepare and import your location-level information. Include a separate column for US States and State or Province for locations outside the US. By default, US States should be listed using a two-character abbreviation.
  3. Navigate to the People table. Prepare and import your contact-level information.
  4. Import your contract-level information. Be sure to include the correct Company Name, which links the contract to the company record you created in step 1.
  5. Prepare and import any attached files related to the imported contracts. You can use the Transitional Contract Files field in the Contracts table to automatically place each file in a related entry in the Attachments table. If you choose this option, make sure to select the option to run rules after import.

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