The Tasks table is used within several other process tables to automate and track tasks. The Tasks table is a global process table that holds Task records, which can be linked to records in other tables. The Tasks table holds individual tasks. The Standard System Demo is currently set up to link tasks to Contracts, Service Requests, Change Requests, Projects, and Assets, but they can also be created completely independent from other tables. Although the Task table only links to the aforementioned tables by default, it is always possible to add or remove tables from this list.

Fields related to task generation and the related Tasks table are shown in Service Requests and Change Requests for services that include tasks.

Tasks, and the fields used for generating them, are also available in Projects and Assets records.


This section contains an overview of the important tabs of a Task record, along with some of the more important fields:

Use Case

Task records can be created by users in the Admin, Admin Import, Base ServiceDesk, Business Admin, Contract Manager, Contract Owner, Internal Customer, Marketing, Project Manager, Sales, and Service Managers groups.

Creating Tasks

In the Standard System Demo, Task records can be created in in the following ways:

Task Details Tab

It's important to ensure the following fields of the Task Details tab are configured properly when creating Task records:

Working the Task 

The person assigned to a task can add working notes to it, refer to the linked Contract, Service Request, Project, or Change Request from it, and ultimately complete the task. There are several default statuses: Queued, Conditional, Assigned, Completed, Not Needed, Failed, and Waiting for Others.

Measuring Time for a Task

In addition to time that is manually entered, the system tracks two kind of elapsed time. The Working Hours to Complete field is set to the difference between the Date Created and Date Done, excluding the non-working hours of the assigned team and also excluding the time during which the Status was Queued, Conditional, or Not Needed. The Actual Working Hours field measures the time between the Actual Start Time and Actual End Time, excluding the non-working hours of the assigned team.

These fields can be used in reports to see the average amounts of time tasks of specific types are taking. They can also be compared against the Template Number of Hours to Due Date value, which sets the expected working hours that should be needed for the task.


There is a simple workflow for tasks that currently executes no actions:


The following is a summary of the rules and validations that run when new tasks are created, either manually or from templates:

Disabled Time Based Rules

There are two time based rules that are set up but not running. These are: