In the table view, use the check boxes to select some or all of the records found. With at least one record selected, based on your permissions, you can use the Print icon to print the record data in several ways.

You can also use the print icon to create new HTML and Word/PDF templates, manage existing templates, and print using existing templates.

Print drop-down menu

Print/Download Table View

Use this option to print or download the selected records as you see them: the selected records in your current search, shown in the currently selected view. This option appears for everyone with group record permission to Print records using the printer icon on the Record Permissions tab, and the resulting file includes only fields the user is allowed to view on the Field Permissions tab.

  1. Select the record or records in the table.
  2. Hover over the print icon and click Print/Download Table View. A window opens with a preview.
    Download preview
  3. Click Print or Download.
  4. If you clicked Download, select the file format you want to use and then click Finish.
    Data format options

Print All Fields

Use this option to see every field available for the record with its value, if it has one. This can be useful to compare two example records during troubleshooting. This option appears for everyone with group record permission to Print records using the printer icon on the Record Permissions tab, and the resulting list includes only fields the user is allowed to view on the Field Permissions tab.

  1. Select the record or records in the table. Note that the more records you select, the longer the list takes to generate.
  2. Hover over the print icon and click Print All Fields. A window opens with the list of fields.
    Fields list

Print Attached Files from a Set of Records

You can download attached files from multiple records and export them to a zip folder. This option appears for everyone with group record permission to Print records using the printer icon and Export multiple records to a file on the Record Permissions tab, and the attachment fields available include only the fields the user is allowed to view on the Field Permissions tab. To quickly print attached files from a set of records:

  1. Select the record or records in the table.
  2. Hover over the print icon and click Save File(s) to Zip.
    Save File(s) to Zip
  3. Select the fields whose attachments you want to download.
    Field selection
  4. Enter a name for the .zip file.
  5. Click Finish. Once the .zip file is generated, it can be downloaded from the provided link.

Print Records in a Template

The print icon includes several options to print using a template in Word, PDF, or HTML format. You can include any field type, such as related tables, text fields, or numeric fields, in a document template. For detailed information about document templates, see Document Templates for Word and PDF.

This option appears for everyone with group record permission to Print records using the printer icon on the Record Permissions tab and to use at least some document templates on the Menu Permissions tab. If there are no document templates available for the user or table, the option doesn't appear. Note that the template also applies user permissions when inserting data from fields.

  1. If you plan to print records using an existing template, select the record or records in the table.
  2. Hover over the Print icon and select one of the following:

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