To schedule an event in the Calendar wizard, either:

  1. Click on a time in the Day tab of the Calendar Day Tab Time, or
  2. Click New next to a day in the Week or Month tabs New Event Week Month Calendar.

This opens the Calendar Event wizard with that date and time populated.

Calendar Event Wizard

When you create an event, you become a meeting coordinator for that event. An invitation will be created first as a pop-up dialog and then emailed to the selected participants.

When scheduling an event, you can quickly see the schedules of the objects that are related to that event. For instance, if you click on the user, you will see his or her schedule. If you click on the conflicting event, you will be shown the event details.

Each event has a start time and end time, and the system checks that no conflicting events occur. For instance, the system will make sure the Room is available at the requested time and all the Required Attendees are available when an event of type Meeting is created.

Adding an Event for a Single Record

When viewing a record in Edit mode, you can use the Calendar icon in the top right corner to create a calendar event.
Record Calendar Icon
The event can be viewed in the record where it was created. A link is set up in both directions, so that in the calendar record view you could see the linked item as well.

This makes calendar entries available to the related table data type so you can create an embedded table in the record layout for any other table that for a given record will show all calendar entries related to this particular record.
Calendar Embedded Table

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