The SP Evaluations table is the main process table of the Supplier Performance Management module. The records in this table hold questionnaires that should be filled in by Performance Evaluators. This table can be accessed directly from the Navigation Bar by Contract Managers, through the End User Portal by Performance Evaluators, and through the Contract and Company records they are linked to.

Information stored in SP Evaluations records includes:

Use Case

SP Evaluation records are created by Contract Managers semi-automatically from the contract, manually from the contract or table view, or automatically by the rules in the Contracts table at selected time intervals. After the evaluation is created, the assigned Evaluator is notified and can access the record either through the link in the email, or by logging into the End User portal and opening their assigned evaluations. After the evaluator answers all evaluation questions, they click the Mark Complete button, and the Performance Manager gets notified of a completed evaluation. The score results are displayed in the Contract and Company records and are used for charts and reports.


Rules in the SP Evaluations table include:

Other automation in the table includes:

Saved Searches

Saved searches in SP Evaluations table include:


SP Evaluation records are owned by a person whose ID matches the Evaluator ID in the record.


Charts and Reports in SP Evaluations table include: