ConvoAI Repository Q&A Labels
This page lists concepts that are searchable with the conversational search tool, ConvoAI, in your KB search bar or with Microsoft Teams.
Use this list to determine what you can search when asking questions with ConvoAI.
Labels List
Label Name | Label Type |
Acceptance Testing | Clause |
Amendments | Clause |
Anti-Bribery/Corruption | Clause |
Appointment and Acceptance | Clause |
Assignment | Clause |
Audit/Inspection | Clause |
Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery | Clause |
Change of Control | Clause |
Choice of Forum | Clause |
Compliance with Law | Clause |
Compliance with Policies | Clause |
Conflicts of Interest | Clause |
Continuing Obligations | Clause |
Contract Title | Key Term |
Contractual Statute of Limitations | Clause |
Data Privacy | Clause |
Data Security | Clause |
Delivery Schedule | Clause |
Disclaimer of Warranty | Clause |
Dispute Resolution | Clause |
Duration | Key Term |
Early Termination Fee/Penalty | Clause |
Effective Date | Key Term |
End Date | Key Term |
Equitable Relief | Clause |
Event of Default | Clause |
Exclusivity | Clause |
Export Control | Clause |
Force Majeure | Clause |
Governing Law | Key Term |
Indemnification | Clause |
Independent Contractor | Clause |
Insurance | Clause |
Intellectual Property Rights | Clause |
Interest on Overdue Payments | Clause |
Invoices | Clause |
Key Personnel | Clause |
License | Clause |
Limitation of Liability | Clause |
Liquidated Damages | Clause |
Marks | Clause |
Minimum Purchase Requirement/Commitment | Clause |
Most Favored Nation | Clause |
No Waiver of Breach | Clause |
Non-Competition | Clause |
Non-Disparagement | Clause |
Non-Solicitation | Clause |
Notice Period to Terminate for Breach | Key Term |
Notice Period to Terminate for Convenience | Key Term |
Notice Period to Terminate Renewal | Clause |
Notices | Clause |
Party Addresses | Key Term |
Party Names | Key Term |
Party Signatories | Key Term |
Payment Method | Clause |
Performance Guarantees | Clause |
Performance Measures | Clause |
Prices/Fees | Clause |
Purchase Orders | Clause |
Renewal | Clause |
Reporting Obligations | Clause |
Suspension | Clause |
Term | Clause |
Termination for Breach | Clause |
Termination for Convenience | Clause |
Warranty | Clause |