Troubleshooting ConvoAI Repository Q&A
If you encounter issues while installing, accessing, or using ConvoAI, use this page to troubleshoot. ConvoAI uses Genius™ powered by Cognizer.
User Licenses Tab
A user is required to have a first name, last name and email address to be enable a ConvoAI license. If any of these fields are missing, an error message will be returned and the user will not be enabled
A unique email address is required. For organizations that have ConvoAI enabled in multiple environments for testing purposes, the same user in each environment must have a unique email address.
Ingested Data Tab
If you want to audit the results of your ConvoAI search, or if your searches are not returning the contracts you expect, try to troubleshoot with the Ingested Data tab.
You can access the tab by following Setup > Integrations, clicking Configure under ConvoAI, and then navigating to the Ingested Data tab. The records on this tab indicate individual contract attachments in Agiloft, which are denoted by their Attachment ID. These records contain information about how each attachment was processed during a search. Ingested data is updated every two minutes.
The Status column shows you the progress of each individual attachment during the search. This tells the user whether or not the document was considered in the search. Documents that are considered within the search are marked as Complete. If you're missing a document in search, check for the status here.
The Status depends on if the action in the Action Type column was successfully run. This column tells you what ConvoAI has done to process the information from the attachment:
- Create: the document did not previously exist in ConvoAI's learned dataset, and is new to the KB. This indicates it has been created and added to the learned set.
- Update: the document already exists in the learned set, but has been changed since last ingestion. This could be anything from a change to the attachment text to new permissions.
- Failed: the document was not successfully added to the learned set.
- Error: the document was not added to the learned set. This doesn't necessarily mean it will always fail, and may be added successfully during the next ingestion process. The Tries Count field indicates how many times the Action Type indicated has been tried. When Error is returned, you can find more information in the Result Code and Result Message columns.
Reasons for Failure or stuck In Progress
Consult the solutions below if you see files with a status of Failure, or have been In Progress for a long time.
- Check the Result message column for an error message in the Ingested Data tab.
- Check the file itself for any issues.
- Check your internet connection.
- Check your Agiloft server connection.
- Check that the Hotlink Server URL global variable in Agiloft is set to your proper URL. For more information, visit the Initial Setup section of Configuring ConvoAI Repository Q&A.
- Increase the Maximum tries count value in the General tab (this generally only helps with files that are In Progress).
General Troubleshooting
Consult this section to solve general issues about the installation and usage of ConvoAI.
Missing icon
If the Genius icon doesn't appear in the search bar in your KB, check if ConvoAI has been deployed.
- Navigate to Setup > Integration > ConvoAI
- If the option beneath ConvoAI is Deploy, click it.
If the icon doesn't appear after clicking Deploy, or you've already deployed ConvoAI, check to make sure you have added tables.
- Navigate to Setup > Integration > ConvoAI > Configure.
- In the Search Tables section of the General tab, check to see which tables have been configured to work with Genius. This feature allows Genius to work faster by searching a specific subset of data instead of your whole KB. The Genius icon only shows up if All is selected in your KB, or one of the tables designated in the Search Tables section.
If the icon still doesn't appear, check licensing.
- Navigate to Setup > Integration > ConvoAI > Configure.
- Navigate to the Licenses tab.
- Check that the user you are currently accessing the KB with is included in this list.
If the icon still does not appear, consult your Agiloft representative.
Can't see results in Split View
Split view for Genius search results is yet to be implemented, but is planned for future releases.
Documents not processing through ingestion pipeline
If you notice that your Ingestion Process Details show 0 records, the issue may be that your Attachments table was renamed.
- Navigate to Setup > Access > Manage Groups.
- Edit the AI Hub record.
- Navigate to the Tables tab and edit the table formerly known as Attachments.
- Choose Yes under Allow access to the table.
- Navigate to the Record Permissions tab and make sure the View their own Documents and View other people's Documents checkboxes are selected.
- Navigate to the Field Permission tab and make sure all the fields have View own and View other selected.
- Click Finish. You can now see the new Record Permissions in the Tables tab.
- Click Finish.
Teams Troubleshooting
Consult this section for guidance on how to deal with issues specific to Teams.
Authentication Issues
Consult this section for guidance on how to troubleshoot authentication issues in Teams.
Wrong server url and/or kb name
This error occurs when your Server URL and KB Name values are incorrect. Verify that they are accurate. It is very easy to accidentally include an unnecessary slash in the Server URL, or an extra or two space in the KB Name field.
If the issue persists, contact your Agiloft representative.
Authentication failed: Message Unable to grant access. Customer setting is invalid: invalid_request
This error occurs when your Server URL and KB Name are correct, but the Login and Password combo are incorrect.
Authentication failed: Message Unable to grant access. User group mismatch.: invalid_request
This error occurs when a user who is not part of the correct group tries to log in. Users can only log in if they are assigned to groups that are allowed to use the Agiloft Bot's Access Token API setting. Admins can check this setting by following these steps:
- Navigate to Setup > Integration > Access Token API > Configure.
- Open the record that follows the format KBName@ServerURL.
- The groups that are allowed appear under the Assigned Group field.
- To fix the issue, either:
- Use a different login that is part of one of the Assigned Groups.
- Add the user you want to one of the Assigned Groups.
- Add one of the user's current groups to the Assigned Group list.
Unable to grant access. Customer setting is invalid: invalid request
This error usually occurs when information has been added incorrectly. Contact your Agiloft representative.
You may have some issues when conversing in Teams. This section explains how to troubleshoot common error responses.
"Sorry, I cannot answer in this chat. Please send your question again in a 1:1 chat with me."
ConvoAI isn't programmed to work in channels, as this may lead to larger security risks when returning documents as results.
"Sorry, I didn't understand that request. Type 'help' to explore commands."
This is a general catch-all error. The most common fixes to this error are:
- Try logging out of the bot by entering 'logout' in the chat. Then log back in.
- Navigate to Setup > Integrations > Access Token API > Configure.
- Open the record that follows KBName@ServerURL.
- Check that the Assigned Group list includes a group that your user is in.
- Check that the Token Expiry in Seconds value is high enough. The default is 900.
If the issue persists, reach out to your Agiloft representative.
"You do not have access to conversational AI"
This response usually means that the user you logged in with is not allowed to use ConvoAI.
This could be an issue with Groups. To check:
- Navigate to Setup > Integration > ConvoAI > Configure.
- Check the group in the Permissions Group field.
- Navigate to Setup > Integration > Access Token API > Configure.
- Open the record that follows KBName@ServerURL.
- Under Assigned Group, check that the same group you saw in the Permissions Group field from step 2 is also present. If not, add it.
- Check that the user is in this group. If not, add them.
If the issue persists, reach out to your Agiloft representative.