Using ConvoAI Repository Q&A
Once you have ConvoAI Repository Q&A (referred to as ConvoAI for the remainder of the document) configured, you can begin asking questions either in Agiloft or in Microsoft Teams. ConvoAI uses Genius™ powered by Cognizer.
When ConvoAI returns an answer, it shows the related attachments in the table view. Click an attachment to open it in the document viewer, which automatically shows and highlights the relevant section.
ConvoAI is available for early adopters who are interested in trying it out and providing feedback. To be eligible, you must be on U.S.-based shared servers, and you must enable the new UI if you haven't already. If you're interested, fill out the sign-up form here.
Using ConvoAI with Agiloft
To ask questions in Agiloft:
- Log in to your KB and look at the Search bar at the top of the web page. If you have already configured ConvoAI, you'll see the Genius™ icon in your Search bar when All is selected, or if you select a table you configured ConvoAI to work with.
- Enter a question or command, like "How many agreements are with Company Name" or "Show me all lease agreements worth over $5000 per month."
- Click the Genius™ icon to return a list of results in the table view. This also opens a modified Search panel on the right side of your KB, where both your question and answers are shown. Contracts are listed in order of how recently they were ingested by the model.
- To ask a follow-up question, click Ask a follow-up question, enter your question, and click Submit.
- The answer to the follow-up question appears in the Search panel beneath the original question, and a list of new results is shown in the table view. You can ask up to ten follow-up questions.
Using ConvoAI with Microsoft Teams
To ask questions in Microsoft Teams:
Either type
or directly ask a question in a chat that is not a channel or group chat.When prompted, click Sign In.
- In the window that appears, enter your KB credentials and click OK to log in.
- If you began by asking a question, the answer to the question appears immediately in the chat. If you began by typing connect, ask a question to get an answer.
- Below the answer, ConvoAI shows you the top three results along with the overall level of confidence. If you click these results, you'll see the list of results in your KB's table view, as well as a modified Search panel where both your question and ConvoAI's answer is shown.
- To ask a follow-up question, click Ask a follow-up question. Type in your question, and click Submit. If you opened any of the suggested records, you can ask a follow-up question directly in your KB.
- The answer to the follow-up question appears in the chat, and the top three results are shown along with the overall level of confidence. If you look in your KB, you'll see a list of new results in the table view, as well as the original question and the follow-up question in the Search panel. You can ask up to ten follow-up questions.
- To view a record, click their IDs from the Top Results list. These IDs coincide to the tables you selected during configuration.
Tips for Searching with ConvoAI
Consult this section for tips about how to get the most out of ConvoAI. If you find that your question isn't achieving the expected or desired results, consider rephrasing it using the suggestions below.
Document Referral
You should refer to your documents as contracts or agreements.
When referencing companies you have agreements with, use Agreement with Company instead of Company Agreement.
For example, say "Show me the lease agreement with Agiloft" instead of "Show me the Agiloft lease agreement."
Document Type
ConvoAI works best with .doc and .docx file types, as well as digital PDFs. PDFs of scanned documents are not recommended.
Follow Up Questions
When looking at results, remember that follow up questions only search the results of the previous question, not the entire database.
ConvoAI requires precise spelling to return precise results. If a search is not behaving as expected, check your spelling.
Avoid using the greater than (>), less than (<), and equal sign (=) symbols in your searches. Instead, write your question out. For example, instead of using the greater than (>) symbol, you might enter, "Show me all contracts worth more than $10,000."
Unsupported Symbol | Alternative Example |
> | Show me all contracts worth more than $10,000. |
< | Show me all contracts worth less than $10,000. |
= | Show me all contracts worth exactly $10,000. |
Trained Concepts
Search criteria should include terms that Genius has been trained to find. You can find a comprehensive list of these terms here.
Word Limit
While ConvoAI does not have a character limit, you'll get better results from questions that are 20 words or fewer.