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Configuring ConvoAI Repository Q&A

Consult this page when configuring ConvoAI, with Genius™ powered by Cognizer.

This process tells Agiloft which groups, tables, fields, and saved searches should be considered, and which fields in your KB should link to the fields on the interface. 


To use ConvoAI, you need to request a ConversationalAI license.

ConvoAI licenses require a paid, add-on subscription. If you are interested in purchasing ConvoAI, reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Account Executive.

If you have a subscription to ConvoAI, you can request a license from your Agiloft representative. 

Customer support will generate and install the license on your Agiloft knowledgebase. 

Initial Setup

With the license installed:

  1. Navigate to Setup > System > Manage Global Variables.
  2. From the Variables with Default Values tab, open the global variable called Hotlink Server Root URL. If it isn't there, check the Customized Variables tab.
  3. Under Global Variable Value,  check to make sure that the value is the public URL of your KB . If it isn't, add it. This value is usually just your KB URL from https: to .com.

Continue on to the Configuration section below.


To configure ConvoAI, follow the steps below. Some of these options may already be selected.

  1. In your KB, navigate to the Setup gear in the top-right corner and go to Integrations.
  2. Under ConvoAI, click Deploy. This may take a few minutes. You can also access the options described below by clicking Configure under ConvoAI which appears after deployment.
  3. Click OK.
  4. For Permissions Group, select the group that contains the users who should have access to ConvoAI if it isn't already filled in. This is usually the AI Hub group.
  5. For Documents table, select the table that contains the file versions of contract documents. This is usually the Attachments table.
  6. For Field with File in Documents table, select the field that contains actual files. This is usually the Attached File field.
  7. For Field with OCR-ed File in Documents table, select the field that contains the file that has undergone OCR. This is usually the OCR File field.
  8. For Saved Search, you can set up a saved search to use as the database for questions, instead of having it check all of your attachments. You can add an existing saved search, or create a new one here by clicking New.
  9. For Maximum tries count, select how many times the system will attempt to ingest a document before marking it as Failed.
  10. For Search tables, select the tables you want to run searches from. For example, if you select Contracts and Attachments, you can run a Genius™ search directly from the search bar when you have those tables open.
  11. Navigate to the Credentials tab.
  12. Enter the Ord ID, which was provided to you via an Agiloft support email.
  13. Click Read Credentials from AI License.
  14. From the Licenses tab, add a ConvoAI License for each user in the permissions group. The Available ConvoAI Licenses field shows the number of licensed users you can have.
  15. Click Save. Once you click Save, the documents contained in the Documents table you chose in step 4 are ingested by the model. You can check ingestion on the Ingested Data tab. For more information, visit Using ConvoAI or Troubleshooting ConvoAI Repository Q&A.
  16. Log out of your KB and then log back in.

You can now ask questions in your KB. To enable this capability in Microsoft Teams, continue below.

Connecting to Microsoft Teams

If you plan on using ConvoAI along with Agiloft for Microsoft Teams, complete these additional steps. You may want to consult Setting Up Agiloft for Microsoft Teams for information about installing the app itself before enabling the ConvoAI feature.

  1. Navigate to Setup > System > Manage Global Variables.
  2. Navigate to the Customized Variables tab.
  3. Click New and select Text Constant.
  4. Name the variable cognizerAddFieldsJson and give it a label. Then, paste the following code into the Global Variable Value field.

    {"contract_id": "contractOriginalId",
    "contract_title": "contractOriginalTitle",
    "contract_status": "contractOriginalStatus",
    "id": "attachmentOriginalId",
    "contract_party_name": "contractOriginalPartyName",
    "hotlinks": ["contractOriginalRecordDeepLink",
  5. Click Finish.

Now, add users to the Agiloft Bot Users group. You may already have users in this group who are using the Agiloft Bot for notifications via Teams.

  1. Navigate to the People table.
  2. Search for a user you'd like to add.
  3. Edit the user record and scroll down to Group.
  4. Click the search icon next to to Group and select Agiloft Bot Users. 
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Repeat for all ConvoAI users.

For information on how to use the app in Teams, visit Using ConvoAI. For general information about the Teams app, visit Agiloft for Microsoft Teams.