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  • This line was added.
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  • Company Fingerprint
  • Contract Type
  • Contract Type AI Document Type
  • AI Closing Date
  • AI Contract Amount
  • AI Contract Description
  • AI Contract Term
  • AI Contract Title
  • AI Doc Type Default Contract Type
  • Document Type
  • Doc Type Specific Fields
  • AI Document Type ID
  • AI Effective Date
  • AI Effective Date Special Format
  • AI End Date
  • AI End Date Special Format
  • AI Governing Law
  • AI Interest Rate
  • AI JSON - Clauses
  • AI JSON - Document Type
  • AI JSON - MetadataKey Terms
  • AI Number of Shares
  • AI Party 1 Address
  • AI Party 1 Name
  • AI Party 2 Address
  • AI Party 2 Name
  • AI Payment Term
  • AI Position
  • AI Repayment Term
  • AI Salary
  • AI Service Start Date
  • AI Signature Date
  • AI Termination Notice
  • Button: Extract Clauses
  • Button: Extract Key Terms
  • Button: Predict Document Type
  • Extracted Clauses
  • Extracted Company Fingerprint
  • New Company State Staging
  • Party 1 Name Staging
  • Predicted Document Type
  • Similarity between extracted company and similar company
  • State Name New company ID
  • State Name New company
  • State Abb New company
  • Trigger Clause Extraction
  • Trigger Import Action
  • Trigger Key Terms Extraction
  • Trigger Pushback to Contract


The Extract Key Terms button allows you to extract key terms from the contract file using an AI model. Then, a rule in the Attachments table takes the extracted key terms and inputs it to the mapped fields of the Contract record that is related to the Attachment record. This process effectively allows you to populate the fields of a Contract record simply by having a related record in the Attachments table. You can also use the Extract Key Terms action in a Create rule, so that key terms get extracted from new Attachment records as soon as they are created. You can extract key terms from multiple new contract documents at once by using a rule like this with a bulk import.  Adding a new Key Term record to this table doesn't allow the model to recognize or extract that key term, this requires custom model training.

Extract Clauses

The Extract Clauses button allows you to extract clauses from the contract file using an AI model, and then creates individual records for each extracted clause in Contract Clause table. You can then compare these Contract Clauses against the existing, vetted clauses in your Clause Library table to ensure that the clauses in the new contract are legal and do not clash with your company's policies. You can also use the Extract Clauses action in a Create rule, so that clauses are extracted from new Attachment records as soon as they are created. You can extract clauses from multiple new contract documents at once by using a rule like this with a bulk import. Adding a new Clause record to the Clause Library table doesn't allow the model to recognize or extract that clause, this requires custom model training.

Agiloft Contract Assistant for Microsoft Word (ACA - Word)


The Attachments table is vital to the ACA - Word because if AI is enabled, it can utilize Agiloft actions directly in Microsoft Word. For more information on the ACA - Word, visit Agiloft Contract Assistant - for Word.


The Attachments table contains three buttons that allow you to extract data directly from a contract file in either the OCR File field or Attached File field of an Attachment record. These buttons contain machine learning actions that use specific AI model configurations to pull the desired data directly from the contract document. After the AI model finds the data, the data is populated as either records or field values within records. These buttons are:


The Attachments table also contains few new rules that isnaren't normally found in Demo Masterthe standard system. These are:

  • AI/ACA Create Actions: This rule sets File OCR'd to Yes when OCR File is available. Also, it runs PUSHBACK_CLAUSE_UPDATES.jar script action to update Contract Clause records when the Attached File is revised for the first time.
  • Create: AI Extraction - Extract Metadata Triggered on Contract Conversion (Part 1of 4): This rule runs when Trigger Key Terms Extraction is set to Yes. It runs the ATHENA-NER-AS AI model to extract key terms of the contract document. Then, it sets flags to trigger clause extraction and update the contract record with extracted key terms.
  • Edit: AI Extraction - Extract Clauses (Part 2 of 4): This rule runs when Trigger Clause Extraction is set to Yes. It runs ATHENA-CE-AS AI model to extract clauses. Then, it sets a flag to create clause records.
  • Edit: AI Extraction - Create Contract Clauses Records by Import (Part 3 of 4): This rule runs when Trigger Import Action is set to Yes. It runs an import action to create individual clause records in the Contract Clauses table for the clauses extracted in the previous rule.
  • Edit: AI Extraction - Trigger Similarity (Part 4 of 4): This rule runs when Extracted Clauses related table has values and Trigger Import Action is set to Yes. It sets the Extracted Clause Button Clicked flag field to Yes in all the linked Contract Clause records.
