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Surveys to customers are typically generated through a hyperlink in an email to a customer requesting their feedback.

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Surveys to suppliers are typically generated from a Supplier Profile record by an Internal Supplier Manager.


  • Create: All Create actions: Runs on the creation of all Surveys. Depending on the source of the Survey or the Survey Type, it sets the appropriate Submitter. If it is a recurring Survey, it sets the Date of Next Recurrence. If the 'Number of days to complete' value is provided, it also sets the Date Due for the Survey. For Surveys created as part of Supplier Onboarding and for recurring Surveys of any type, it sends an email to the Submitter with a link to respond to the Survey.
  • Edit: All Edit Actions: Runs on edit of all Surveys. If the status is 'New', it is set to 'In Progress'. If a Supplier Profile related Survey is Submitted, it sends a notification email to the Assigned Supplier Manager for that Supplier Profile.
  • TB: Trigger Recurring Survey: A filter finds all Surveys where the linked Company is Active and the Date of Next Recurrence is today. A conversion action creates a new recurring Survey and sets the status of the current one to Superseded.
  • TB : Send Survey Reminder Day Before Due Date: Sends out a reminder mail to the survey responder day before the survey is due, if they haven't completed it yet.


Records in this table are owned by matching the Submitter Login to the Login in the People table.