A marketing staff person sets up a Campaign to track results for a particular email. An email template may be created on the Leads and/or the People tables. Once the recipients are selected, mouse over the email icon More, Email, and click Send Email.
With the email window open, select Insert > Populate from template > Search..., then locate the desired marketing email template and import it. On the Options tab of the email dialog, the sender chooses the Campaign Name to use for email tracking.
When the email is sent out, all responses are captured by a service running in the background and the results are compiled in the related campaign as responses are received in the Email Results tab.
If there were links in the email and any recipients clicked them, then new records are automatically created in the Email Clicks table for each link clicked, and these are also shown in the campaign record in the All Emails Clicked section.
The Campaigns table has the following default workflow:
The Campaigns table contains two default Charts/Reports.