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The Products Quoted table holds the specific products associated with a quote.

Use Case

Creating Product Quote Records

Product Quotes are created from the Quote table. As a Quote is created, either independently or from the Opportunities table, each added item or product creates a Products Quoted record.

Processing Records

Admins and members of the Sales and Marketing group can create, view and edit Products Quoted. Only Admins and Sales are allowed to edit quoted products created by other Sales or Marketing members. No other groups have access to the table by default.

When a product is added to a Quote record and saved, the Total Price is updated by a calculation based on the Unit Price, Number of Units and Discount Percentage. When the quantity of an item in a quote is changed, the Total Price of the quoted product is updated.


Records in this table are owned by the person who created the associated Quote. Specifically, a record is owned by the user whose Full Name matches the Quote Prepared By field.


The Products Quoted table contains the following default Charts/Reports: