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Task Workflows are used to create a set of task templates that may be organized to trigger all at once or in a specified sequence. They can be used selected in services such as for Change Requests or Services Service Requests, and they are also used in associated with Project Types. They essentially predefine the tasks that should be done completed for a particular request type. They are used in conjunction with the Task Generation Method of "Predefined Task Workflow."

Use Case

Task workflows can be created by members of the Project Manager, Change Manager, Service Manager, and Admin groups. All except admin users may only edit the workflows related to their primary tables, so change managers can edit workflows related to change requests, while project managers can edit workflows related to project types.


Clicking the Create New Task Template button saves the workflow and then brings up the new task template screen. See the Task Templates section for more information on how to create and fill out the task template form.


Within a single task workflow, there may be multiple threads of dependent tasks with different prerequisites, and these threads may proceed independently.

Tasks in a workflow can be displayed in a diagram showing their relationships and dependencies:

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As shown in the diagram above, it It is possible to launch two separate threads and then bring them back into alignment by making their last final tasks prerequisites of the next task, for instance.

Task templates can be conditional, and if their condition is not met, then they will be marked as not needed when they would otherwise be assigned. When they are marked as not needed, their dependent tasks will be assigned.


The ability to choose exactly which tasks must be finished before a another task is assigned gives provides a flexible model for complex task workflows.

The sequence number gives a general impression idea of the order of tasks, but it is not definitive and does not control any of the processing. It allows the tasks to be sorted more or less in order of assignment.


Workflows can also be cloned using the Clone Workflow button. The effect of cloning a workflow is to create a new workflow with the workflow title changed to prefix it with information that is it was cloned, i.e. Cloned on 05/27/2016 02:58 - General IT Project. The task templates are also cloned and linked to the new workflow.
