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All the fields that users can fill out are on the Template Details tab:

Task Template Record ViewImage RemovedImage Added

  • The Task Title field should not contain commas, as this prevents errors when running the task automation rules. A rule prevents task titles from having commas in them, and if a comma is stripped out, provides a popup message alerting the creator that it has been stripped. 
  • The Related To field links Task templates to Service Requests, Change Requests, or Projects.
  • Sequence field gives a rough idea of the order of dependent tasks.
  • The Task Type field is used to define how the task is used. The selected option can be used in filters, but there is no logic behind any options other than Notification and Obligation.
    • When Notification is selected, additional fields appear that allow the user to define the Email Subject and Body for notification. Notifications are also set to auto-complete.
    • When Obligation is selected, additional fields appear: Obligation Source (Contract Type / Contract Clause / Ad Hoc), Obligation Type (Customer / Internal / Customer and Internal / Partner / External), Obligation Output (Audit / Delivery / Document / Hold Private / Notification / Payment / Report / Other).
  • Task Usage may be Default, Conditional, or Optional. Both Default and Conditional tasks are created with a Queued status when tasks are launched. Default tasks are set to Assigned immediately when the Assignment Trigger is met. Conditional tasks are evaluated when the Assignment Trigger is met. If the condition is false, then the conditional task is set to Not Needed. For Conditional Tasks, the condition should be defined using the variables from the Tasks table since the evaluation takes place there. Optional is the usage of a task that is not generated from a Workflow.
  • The Assign Task Based On field allows you to define a task template whose resulting task is assigned to the person defined in the main record. The default of Assigned Team / Person lets you add the assigned team or person in the task template. A different value allows you to choose a variable that has been pre-configured in the Replacement Variables table. For instance, for a task related to a Change Request you will see these options:
    Assign To dropdown listImage RemovedImage Added
  • The choices in the Assign To field are set, edited, and created in the Replacement Variables table.
  • The Number of Working Hours to Due Date field is used to set the task's Date Due once the status is marked Assigned, by adding the defined number of working hours (for the assigned team) to the current time.


These fields are used in conjunction with the action buttons to their right. Note that prerequisite task setup is only visible and enabled if the task template is linked to a Task Workflow and if the linked field Workflow Enable Task Prerequisites = Yes. Otherwise, these fields are not be visible.

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Task Steps

At the bottom of the tab is the option to set up a task checklist. If Yes is selected, then you can add individual steps and define the order the checkboxes should use.

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To add steps, first check the Create New Checklist Item? checkbox, then fill out a Step Name and Step Number, then click Create Task Step. This is a handy way to provide a list of troubleshooting steps or a list of things to be done within a single task.


This tab may show the record that contains this task template. If the template is part of a task workflow, the workflow will be listed. If it is linked to a particular service as a "User Selected Task", then the service name will be linked in:

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The automation on the Task Template table includes rules to strip out any commas from the task title, a rule to update the sequence of task templates in relation to other templates for the same workflow, and a rule to unlink inactive task templates.
