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  1. Click the Setup gear in the top-right corner, go to Sync, click Configure under Entity Set.
  2. Click New and then click Entity Set or Lightweight Entity Set. Lightweight entity sets are used for sending simple build without including a lot of implicit dependencies, because lightweight sets send only a single level of implicit entities and curtail any beyond that. A standard entity set will populate all implicit dependencies, which makes the sync more complex, but also makes sure pieces of the build aren't missed. If you create a standard entity set, you can always choose to send only explicit entities later.
  3. In the wizard, enter a Name for the entity set.
  4. Add entities to the set using either or both of these methods:
    • If you have been working on changes in the development or test KB starting on a certain date, you can easily auto-select the entities you modified since that start date. To do so, click Auto-Create an Entity Set and enter the date and time when you began making changes. If desired, use the listed checkboxes to exclude certain entity types from the list. Any type that you deselect in this list will not be added as an explicit entity, although it might still be added as an implicit entity if it is a dependency. Then click Finish and review the list of entities that were added to the set. Note that this feature does not automatically add any global variables, so if you made changes to a global variable, you must add that manually.
    • Use the buttons to manually add entities to the set. You can add entities including
    Select which entities are included in the set. Available entities include:
    • tables, choice lists, color schemes,
    •  images, groups, teams, attached files, and global variables.
  5. Customize the entity set as needed by marking entities as Explicit or Implicit, or by adding or removing fields, rules, etc. See Customize the Entity Set.
  6. If applicable, select the Transfer Only Explicit Entities "Do not update existing implicit entities" checkbox. See See Explicit and Implicit Entities.

    If this option is selected, leave the Update Implicit Linked Fields "Update implicit linked fields" option selected to prevent broken relationships after sync. This option is used only for advanced troubleshooting.
  7. Click Finish to save the entity set.


However, many entities have relationships to other entities in the system, and they do not work as expected without those other entities. For example, a rule that runs three actions is not very useful in a system that doesn't have those three actions. For this reason, when an entity is added explicitly, the system identifies other entities that are necessary for the table to work as expected, and adds these other entities to the set as implicit entities. Implicit entities are sent only if they do not exist at all added or updated in the target KB ; if an implicit entity already exists in the target KB, the entity isn't updatedunless you choose the option to prevent updating implicit entities that already exist.

Entity Not Found in Target KBEntity Found in Target KB
Explicit SelectionEntity is created in target KBEntity is updated in target KB
Implicit SelectionEntity is created in target KBNo change in target KB


Once the entity set has been created, all relevant entities have been added, and all necessary preparations have been made, begin the direct or indirect sync.





Direct Sync

Direct sync is used between KBs on the same server. To perform direct sync, either export from the source KB or import from the target KB.


  1. Log into the target KB as an admin.
  2. Go to Setup > Sync > Import to open the Sync Import wizard.
  3. On the Source tab, select Transfer from existing KB. 
  4. The drop-down list shows all knowledgebases on the same server. Select the name of the source KB containing the entity set. It may take some time to load the drop-down list.

    If the Security: Show KB Names variable is set to No, this list is hidden and the KB name needs to be added manually.
  5. Enter an admin-level login credentials for the selected source KB.
  6. Click Next.
  7. On the Entity Set tab, select the entity set from the drop-down provided. 
  8. Click Import to begin the sync process. It may take several minutes to transfer changes depending on the size and number of entities in the set.





Indirect Sync

Indirect sync is used between KBs on different servers. Given a choice, direct sync is preferred. Indirect sync is more complex because it involves creating, transferring, and importing a separate carrier KB file.
