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The following is a reference This reference is designed to assist you when creating document templates, formerly called print templates. The syntax required for inserting field variables, formulas, conditions, and other elements are listed below.

Field Variables

Field variables can be inserted into print templates so that the field's value is displayed in the document when the print template runs.

The general form for field variables is $FieldLabel.  For example, in the People table the variable for the Login field is $login.


If your syntax includes quotation marks, make sure you're using plain quotes rather than smart quotes. To disable automatic smart quote formatting, go to File > Options, open the Proofing section, click AutoCorrect Options, go to the AutoFormat tab, and clear the "Straight quotes" with "smart quotes" checkbox.

Field Variables

Field variables can be inserted into document templates so that the field's value is displayed in the document when the document template runs.

The general form for field variables is $FieldLabel.  For example, in the People table the variable for the Login field is $login.

You can You can construct chains of field variables to find values in other tables linked to the current record. These are in the form $Field1.Field2 where Field2 references a field in another table linked through Field1. Field variable chains must be constructed manually by locating the appropriate field names in each table.


Code Block


$formula($login)Insert the Login value.
$formula($account_rep.backup_person)Insert the name of the Account Rep's backup person.
$formula($related123123123)Insert a related table from the current record.

Note that if you are putting dollar signs ($) into a print document template to format values in a number field, you can enter a backslash (\) to ensure that the dollar sign does not get eliminated by the system while it is processing the variables and formulas in the print document template. For example, \$25,000 will appear as $25,000. You can configure the system so that it does not eliminate the backslash by changing the value of the Keep slash prior escaped dollar sign global variable to Yes. 

View or Download Field Variables

A list of field variables for the current table can be displayed when creating or editing a print document template.Show Field Variables and Download Template buttons in wizardImage Removed

  • Click Show Field Variables


  • Click Show Field Variables to to open the Formula Help wizard with a list of the Fields, Global Variables, and Functions.
  • Click Download Template to save an MS Word file which lists the field name and field label for each field in the current table.

Formulas and Conditions

Formulas and conditions are used in print document templates to calculate totals, insert different fields based on the values, and insert or delete text when a condition is met. A longer list of available formulas can be found in the Formula Help window, available from the Mass Edit Wizard and other system locations.

The following formulas and examples represent the most common uses and will help you create complex print document templates. 

Basic Formulas

Standard mathematical operations can be used with numeric data types such as integer, floating point, and calculated result fields.


Code Block


$formula($contract_amount*$discount_percentage)Multiply the Contract Amount by the Discount Percentage
$formula($total_cost - $refund_amount)Subtract the Refund Amount from the Total Cost

Concatenate Strings

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titleExpand this section for advanced date format formulas

Look through the Sample Output column for the format you want to use, then use the corresponding Formula entry to use this format in your print document templates. These examples use $contract_start_date with a value of February 10, 2016, so if you're referring to a different Date field, replace $contract_start_date with the logical name of the new field.

Sample OutputFormula








February 10, 2016

$formula(dateformat ("MMMMM d, yyyy",$contract_start_date))

February 10th, 2016

$formula(dateformat("MMMM",$contract_start_date)+" "+dateformat("d",$contract_start_date)+((dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date))=="11"||(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date))=="12"||(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date))=="13"?"th":(((replace(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date),".*(.)","$1"))=="1"?"st":((replace(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date),".*(.)","$1"))=="2"?"nd":((replace(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date),".*(.)","$1"))=="3"?"rd":"th")))))+", "+dateformat("yyyy",$contract_start_date))

February 10th, 2016 (alternate formula)

$formula(dateformat("MMMM",$contract_start_date)+" "+(dateformat("d",$contract_start_date))+((dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date))=="01"||(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date))=="21"||(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date))=="31" ?"st":((dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date))=="02"||(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date))=="22"?"nd":((dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date))=="03"||(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date))=="23" ? "rd" : "th")))+", "+dateformat("yyyy",$contract_start_date))

February 10th, 2016

$formula(dateformat("MMMM",$contract_start_date)) $formula(dateformat("d",$contract_start_date))$formula(((dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date))=="11"||(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date))=="12"||(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date))=="13"?"th":(((replace(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date),".*(.)","$1"))=="1"?"st":((replace(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date),".*(.)","$1"))=="2"?"nd":((replace(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date),".*(.)","$1"))=="3"?"rd":"th")))))), $formula(dateformat("yyyy",$contract_start_date))

10th day of February, 2016

$formula(dateformat("d",$contract_start_date)+((dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date))=="11"||(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date))=="12"||(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date))=="13"?"th":(((replace(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date),".*(.)","$1"))=="1"?"st":((replace(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date),".*(.)","$1"))=="2"?"nd":((replace(dateformat("dd",$contract_start_date),".*(.)","$1"))=="3"?"rd":"th")))))+" day of "+dateformat("MMMM",$contract_start_date)), $formula(dateformat("yyyy",$contract_start_date))


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Document Template Examples

In a print document template, use the $formula wrapper. These examples render a contract value of $1,000.20, with the second example capitalizing the first word.

$formula(num2words($contract_amount, "currency", "en"))one thousand U.S. dollars and twenty cents
"currency", "en"), "(^[a-z]).*", "$1")) + replace(num2words
($contract_amount, "currency", "en"), "^[a-z](.*)", "$1"))
One thousand U.S. dollars and twenty cents

Format Formula Outputs

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Conditional Text, Paragraphs, or Clauses

A common requirement is whether to show words, multiple lines, or paragraphs of text based on the values in a record or a condition based on those values. Conditions can use a full range of logical operators such as == (equivalency), != (not equal), >, <, >=, <=. To check for a null field value, use ==.

Ternary Operator

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"" after the specified field variable. Note that percentage fields return the percent value (50 for 50%), rather than a decimal (0.5), when evaluated in a condition.

Ternary Operator

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Additional Examples

FormulaExplanation / Output
$formula($authorized_contract=="Yes" ? "'Authorized contractor' means a third party contracted to develop or assist with the development of an Authorized Application." : "")Inserts the sentence "'Authorized contractor' means a third party contracted to develop or assist with the development of an Authorized Application." if the Authorized Contract field value is Yes; otherwise, a blank space is inserted.
$formula( (isEmpty($company_id.fax)) ? "" : "Fax: " + $company_id.fax)If the company's linked Fax field is empty, insert nothing. If the Fax field is not empty, insert "Fax: 555-111-2134."
$formula($country=="USA"&&$city=="Redwood" ? "The company is located in Redwood, USA" : "")

Inserts the sentence "The company is located in Redwood, USA" if the Country is USA and the City is Redwood; otherwise, a blank space is inserted.

If-Then-Else Conditions to Display Field Variables

The $if statement evaluates a condition to decide which field variable to display. It is similar to the ternary operator, but the true and false outputs may only be field variables or the $merge command with an attached file field.


Code Block
$if(condition) ? $fieldTrue : $fieldFalse

The second (else) field variable may be left out to display blank if the condition is not met. To use a condition that checks for a null field value, use =="" with the specified field.

Code Block
Code Block
$if(condition) ? $fieldTrue

Or, the $merge($filefield) command may can be used as an output:.

Code Block
$if(condition) ? $merge($filefield) : $fieldFalse


$if ($discount_applied == "Yes") ? $percentage_discountIf a discount is applied, show the Percentage Discount field.
$if ($contract_amount > 100000) ? $related123456 : $customer.related345678If the contract amount is greater than $100,000, show the field $related123456; else, show the field $related45678 in the linked customer record.
$if ($include_appendix == "Yes") : $merge($attached_file)If an appendix should be included, merge the file held in the Attached File field.

Conditional Paragraphs using $startif

Use the $startif() command in a print document template if some paragraphs of text should only be included under certain conditions. For example, suppose a certain liability clause only appears in a printed final contract when the contract amount is over $50,000. The conditional text comes after the $startif($condition) and is followed by $endif to close the statement.



If your Clause Library Table stores clauses in Microsoft Word format, and you want to use $startif in your document templates, create a new global variable named print_template_preprocess_startifs and set it to Yes. This eliminates some formatting issues that can occur during processing.


Code Block
Code Block
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2


$startif($contract_amount > 50000)

Contracts over $50,000 require an additional insurance certificate.


If the Contract Amount is over 50,000, the paragraph appears in the final document.
If the Contract Amount is less than 50,000, the paragraph is deleted.


Your extended warranty is in effect until $formula($warranty_end_date).


If the Extended Warranty field is Yes, insert the sentence listing the Warranty End Date.

$startif(($service_name ~= "Installation")&&($flag = "Yes"))

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


If the Service Name field contains "Installation" and the Flag field is set to Yes, then show the paragraph.

This example combines conditions using && and extra parentheses surrounding the conditions.

$startif(find("Amended", concat("", $contract_updates))

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


Checks if the value "Amended" is found in a multi-value choice field "Contract Updates". The concat function gets a string representation of the values in the multi-value field, and if it contains the value "Amended", returns the text below.

To handle cases where none of the values are selected, you can add the following after the startif:

|| isEmpty($contract_updates))

isEmpty returns "true" and outputs the text if none of the values are selected.


Territory is not in Japan.


If the Territory field does not contain "310", the system outputs the text.


Please remember to upload your training completion certificate.


If the Training Completed field is set to True, the system outputs the text. In this case, the Training Completed field is a Singleton Check datatype, which requires a capital "T" in "True" or capital "F" in "False" to work correctly in a $startif() command.


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New line or insert line break

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Merge Documents

The $merge command can be used to merge multiple files held in a single field, or files held in multiple fields into one final document.

Using the $merge($fieldname) command within a print document template will merge all attached .docx/.html files from the field in the current record into the resulting print document template's .docx file. Documents held in a versioned file field will be merged in the order in which they were uploaded or appended to the field.


To merge multiple documents held in a single file field with versioning or multiple files enabled:


The $merge command must be placed within the body of the print document template. This function will not work if the $merge function is placed within the header or footer of the template, or within a table.


You can choose to configure a print document template to automatically push changes that occur to field values or formulas of the Word document back to the pre-existing record in the KB. You can tag field and formula references, as well as references to fields from other tables. This is a valuable feature that ensures the value in the print document template and the value in the actual record stay synchronized. These tags are also recognized as annotations when the generated documents are used with the Agiloft add-in for Microsoft Word. The options for tagging data can be found beneath the Published section of the Word/PDF Template:


  • Automatically tag field and formula references in the print document template: this option is used to tag metadata in the print document template.
  • Automatically tag references to $field_from_other_table: this option is used to tag contract clauses in the print document template. You can choose to use Contract Clause table variables within tags for identification purposes and additional detail. 

The "tags" mentioned by the system text are actually ContentControl objects, which are the colored boxes you see in Microsoft Word when something has been labeled. When the document is opened in Microsoft Word with the 

add-in installed, the tags hidden in the document's text by the options above are identified and listed as annotations on the Annotations page of the add-in. This can be used to automatically generate annotations in the add-in without the use of AI.

Bookmarks in Templates

You can add bookmarks to Word templates and configure your system to preserve the bookmarks in the finished output. To do this, go to Setup > System > Manage Global Variables, open the Customized Variables tab, and select New > Choice Constant. Create a new global variable named print_template_remove_bookmark and set it to No.

Bookmarks can only be preserved in Word-format document templates, not PDF or HTML formats.

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Content by Label
cqllabel in ("print","template","print-template") and type = "page" and space = currentSpace()
labelsinterface navigating
