Status Bars Table
The Status Bars table is used to store Status Bar records. Each record contains one image of the status bar, information about the contract lifecycle stage that uses this image, and an Active/Inactive indicator to determine which set of status bars is currently in use by Contract records.
It is possible to create new sets of Status Bars that are based on different contract lifecycles. The Standard System Demo includes the following basic statuses:
- Draft
- Pending Contract Manager
- Pending Approval
- Approved
- Pending Signature
- Signed
- Active
Use Case
Status Bar records are created by members of the Admin, Admin Import and Business Admin groups directly from the Status Bars table. Each record in the Status Bar table corresponds to a status in the contract lifecycle. Records in the Contract table display the status bar image that corresponds with the stage of the lifecycle that the contract is currently in, determined by the Status field. Images for Status Bar records can be created using any media and inserted into an HTML field inside the Status Bar record.
The Standard System Demo has several preconfigured status bars to choose from. Only one set of status bars should be set to Active.
To change the color of the Status Bar in contract records:
- Open the Status Bars table
- Find a Status Bar record that has a Status of Active, and change it to Inactive. Changing a record to Inactive disables Status Bar records from being populated into Contract records when that Contract record's status matches the stage the Status Bar record represents.
- Choose another Status Bar record from the list that, and change the Status to Active.
Uploading a new set of Status Bars
If you are not satisfied with the Standard System Demo's default status bar options, it is possible to use your own set; however, only Admin users can upload Status Bar records. After you have created a Status Bar image for each of your new Contract Statuses:
- Go to Status Bars table and disable the set currently in use by setting its Status to Inactive.
- Go to Setup > Look and Feel > Power User Interface > Edit (any scheme) > Content Tab > Select/Manage Images.
On the top of the new window, choose and upload all the Status Bar images you have created. Name them according to the Status they represent. For example: StatusBar_PendingApproval.png
Once all the files are uploaded, make sure they are present in the list of images. Close the window.
Go to the Status Bars table and click New.
Choose the Contract Status that should use this Status Bar, like Draft. Make sure the record's Status is set to Active.
Right-click on the company logo in the top-left corner of the screen and select Copy image address.
Click Edit under the empty text field in the Status Bar record.
- In the new HTML Editor window click the Insert an Image pictogram ( ). Paste the address of the logo into Provide URL for the image field and press Finish.
- The logo image appears in the HTML Editor field. Switch to Source HTML at the bottom of the window. This line of code appears:
- <img border="1" src="https://your_KB_address/ui/images/prj_####/gif/ logo/image_name?r=##### ">
- Delete 'border="1"' if you don't want the status bar to have a border.
- Replace a part between /gif/ and "> with the filename of a Status Bar that you have just uploaded. It should be easy to remember it if you gave the files meaningful names containing Contract Statuses. The resulting line should look like this:
<img src="https://your_KB_address/ui/images/prj_#### /gif/ StatusBar_Draft.png "> - Copy the whole line.
- Click Finish.
- Click Save. If you did everything correctly, you should see the new Status Bar for the Contract Status you've chosen on top of the list of available Status Bars.
- Click New again.
- Choose the next Contract Status.
- Click Edit.
- Click Source HTML.
- Paste the line from the first Status Bar you uploaded and replace the filename at the end with one for the chosen status.
The result should like this:
<img src=" https://your_KB_address/ui/images/prj_#### /gif/ StatusBar_PendingContractManager.png "> - Click Finish.
- Click Save.
- Repeat step 11 until you create status bars for each Contract Status.
There are no rules within the Status Bar table. Changing the status bars is handled by default field values on the Status Bar linked field in Contracts.
Status Bar records are owned by the user who creates them. Specifically, a record is owned by the user whose Login matches the Creator Login field.