Sourcing Event Questions Table
This table stores questions asked about Sourcing Events.
Use Case
Sourcing Event Question records are generated by suppliers from within their Supplier Response records in the Details tab under Questions. This heading allows the supplier to type in a new question and submit it or see previous questions to see any responses.
The Sourcing Event Manager can answer the question, and choose whether to make it publicly available for all suppliers by selecting Publish to FAQs. Answering the question automatically changes the status to Answered.
This table contains two rules:
- Create: All Sourcing Event Question Create Actions (web/API): This rule runs when a new record is created and notifies the Sourcing Event Manager of a new question.
- Edit: All Sourcing Event Question Edit Actions (web/API): This rule runs when the record is edited. It notifies the Question Creator about a new Answer. Also, if the answer is made publicly available, the rule sends a notification about a new published FAQ to all suppliers that have active Supplier Responses to current Sourcing Event.
Workflow for this table is very simple, there are only two statuses: Pending and Answered. Sourcing Event Question records are created with a Status of Pending.
Sourcing Event Questions records are owned by people in the same company as the record creator. Suppliers can see the records owned by their company and records owned by other companies if they are published.