Response Evaluations Table
Response Evaluations are container records for all the Sourcing Event Criteria being scored for a Sourcing Event. The table holds the evaluator information, notes, scores and Response Score records for both individual evaluators as well as a consensus evaluation.
Use Case
The following sections contain common use cases for the Response Evaluations table.
Response Evaluation Creation
Response Evaluation records are created in a Status of Pending by the Sourcing Event Manager, Sourcing Event Owner or a Response Evaluator. These users create Response Evaluator records from the relevant Supplier Response record using the Create Evaluation Response action button. When the button is clicked, if the Sourcing Event Scoring Method is Create Criteria Manually, the system checks to ensure that Sourcing Event Criteria have been specified in the Sourcing Event, and then converts the Supplier Response to a Response Evaluation. A creation rule in Response Evaluations triggers the creation of a Response Score record for each Sourcing Event Criteria found in the Sourcing Event. Multiple Response Evaluation records can be created for each Supplier Response, each one with a different Evaluator and score.
Ideally, there should be one Consensus record per Supplier Response. However, some customers may prefer to average multiple responses. Other customers may do a combination of individual scores and a Consensus score based on the individual scores. All three methods are supported. Based on the Evaluation type, calculation fields show the averages for the individual responses and scoring for the consensus response.
Completing a Response Evaluation
When the assigned Evaluator is ready to complete the Evaluation process, they will edit the Response Evaluation directly or from the Supplier Response record. They will select the Evaluation Type and begin the scoring process, explained below:
Sourcing Event Scoring Method: Create Criteria Manually
If the Sourcing Event Scoring Method selected was Create Criteria Manually, the Sourcing Event Criteria would have been converted to Response Scores and linked to the record. The evaluator can review the Response Score record for each Criteria generated and enter an Earned Score and Notes. The percentage earned will be automatically calculated and if the Earned Score falls below the Benchmark, when the record is saved, a rule updates the Below Benchmark field appropriately. The Evaluation Date gets updated when the Mark as Completed button is clicked.
Sourcing Event Scoring Method: Scoring Template
If the Sourcing Event Scoring Method selected was Scoring Template, the Scoring Template uploaded in the Sourcing Event is shown in the Response Evaluation record. The Evaluator downloads the Scoring Template, fills it out, transfers the Total Earned Score to the Response Evaluation record, and uploads the Completed Scoring Template. The Total Possible Score is set by default to 100, but can be modified based on which template is being used. Overall Percentage Score is calculated automatically.
Consensus Evaluation
When a Consensus record’s status changes to Completed, a linked record action updates the Supplier Response to Evaluation Complete, and the selection process can proceed. Response Evaluations can no longer be created once evaluations are marked as Complete in the Supplier Response record.
Some of these rules have been mentioned or quickly described in the use cases above. In the Standard System Demo, the Response Evaluation table contains three active rules. These rules are accessed by expanding the Response Evaluation table in the left pane, selecting Setup Response Evaluations, and then selecting the Rules tab:
- Create/Edit (web): All validation actions: This rule ensures that when only one Consensus Evaluation can be created per Supplier Response. Additionally, if the Evaluation Complete in the linked Supplier Response has been updated to Yes, no new Response Evaluations can be created.
- Create (web,api): All create actions: This rule triggers the generation of Response Score records when the Sourcing Event Scoring Method is Create Criteria Manually
- Edit: All Response Evaluation Edit Actions: This rule controls note management within the Response Evaluation and copying the information to the Supplier Response. Additionally, if the Evaluation Type is Consensus and the Status has been updated to Completed, the Consensus Evaluation information is updated in the Supplier Response.
Records are owned by their creator and can be created by Admin groups and Response Evaluators and Sourcing Event Managers. These groups can view and edit their own and others' Response Evaluation records.
The Response Evaluations table contains the following default Charts and Reports: