Project Types Table
This is a background table that holds the Project Types referenced by the Projects table. It allows the creation of new Project Types by Project Managers and other users without Admin group privileges.
Project Types define the task generation method if any, and if task workflows will be used, they are defined in the Project Type record in the Predefined Workflows section.
In addition to Predefined Task Workflows, project types may use User Selected Tasks or User Generated Ad Hoc Tasks as task generation methods.
The differences between these methods are discussed in more detail in the Tasks for Service Requests section above, and the same options available for Service Requests apply to Projects.
The methodology for setting up task workflows and the way in which the prerequisite tasks are handled is discussed above in the Task Workflows Table section and in the Task Templates section.
Project Type records are owned by the user who creates them. Specifically, a record is owned by the user whose Login matches the Creator Login field.
In the standard system demo, the Project Type table does not have any rules and actions.