Assets Table
The Assets table holds records containing information about your company's Assets. It may include assets that are in inventory and not in service, as well as all assets that are in service.
Use Case
Asset Creation
Staff may add a Asset manually to the system by creating a new record, or integrated Discovery systems may create Asset records automatically with specified attributes.
Assets have type-specific attribute fields (Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, etc.) and relationships to other Assets, Service Requests, Problems, Change Requests and Contracts.
Related Service Requests, Problems, and Incidents are displayed as lists of records within an Asset, so the history of a given Asset is readily available.
Assets may also be related to other assets in an upstream and downstream embedded table.
Record Creation
Assets may be created independently or when selecting Assets in Change Request and Contract records. Asset Name and Asset Type are required fields.
Asset ownership is defined as the user whose Login matches the User Login field in the Asset record.
Assets follow a lifecycle workflow from ordering through retirement. There are no business rules associated with the Asset table.
Assets are created in the state of Installed by default. Assets that are requested but not immediately available might be created in a state of On Order, moved to In Stock when the Asset is received, Pending Install while Operations is tasked with installing the Asset, and finally Installed. Installed Assets can change to In Maintenance for repairs and Retired or Stolen when the Asset is no longer in use.