SMTP Email in the Admin Console
The SMTP section at Communications > SMTP controls the setup of the SMTP server used for outgoing mail from the admin console.
To configure the server:
- Specify the IP address or hostname of the SMTP server; for example, If the SMTP server is on the same machine as
Agiloft the hostname will be
- Specify the port the server uses. The default is 25. For a SSL/TLS connection, the port is 465. For STARTTLS, the port number is 587.
- Enter authentication for the SMTP server. Not all SMTP servers require authentication. If this is the case, leave both the login and password fields blank.
- Optionally, enter a valid e-mail address for Agiloft to send a test e-mail. This step is not required but will confirm that the SMTP server is set up correctly.
- Select a default outbound email address for email messages sent from the admin console. The outbound address entered here does not have to be a valid address.
While the outbound address specified need not be a valid address, in order to prevent emails from being rejected by spam filters, addresses should avoid obvious spam-like structures, for example,
The admin console controls only the outbound address for the admin console itself. Configuration of inbound email addresses, MS Outlook integration, and other communications settings happens via the Agiloft power user interface.