Debugging in the Admin Console
The Debugging section of the admin console can be found by following. Debugging > Debugging. This section of the console controls debugging options as well as the execution of Java scripts.
Show Activities
This shows activities that are running on the Agiloft system at the moment the Show activities button is clicked. The screen does not show any processes that may have already completed before clicking the button.
For small operations, the table of activities is usually empty at any instant in time. If you need to create an ongoing activity for testing purposes, you can import a large group of records, or schedule a mass edit or mass delete action.
Show Database Statistics
This monitoring tool makes it easy to monitor SQL queries and find potential areas to optimize, such as inefficient searches or missing indexes. To use it, click Show database statistics. This tool shows the 100 slowest-running queries, where the average time is more than 10 milliseconds.
You can show database statistics for all KBs on the server, or run it on a selected KB.
Start or Stop Debugging
Standard server logs contain many standard output messages like Info, Warning, or Errors. When debugging starts, the server outputs more messages, prepended with Debug. In most cases, the standard server outputs are enough to identify issues that arise. Debugging is useful only if standard server outputs do not give the cause of the problem.
To start debugging, click the Start Debug Output button. Debugging is automatically turned off after twenty minutes. Clicking the button again before twenty minutes have passed resets the timer.
Click Stop Debugging to manually end the debugging session.
In certain cases, attention must be brought to Agiloft regarding problems discovered through debugging. Click Send Debug Logs to send a copy of the logs to Agiloft for inspection.
Bean Shell
The Bean Shell button brings up a separate window to run Java scripts for testing and debugging purposes. From this window, the admin gains full control over the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that runs the Agiloft system.
To run scripts in Bean Shell, you must log in to the target server using SSH. In the Script section of the Admin Console, open the Token section and follow the directions to generate and apply the access token. You can then run scripts from the Admin Console until the token expires. Tokens last for ten minutes.
Bean Shell debugging allows runtime manipulations of parameters and instrumentation. For example, if the admin knows a specific class name, the class may be instantiated, and all of its methods may be invoked from this window.
Debugging and testing in this mode is strongly discouraged unless the admin has significant prior experience with Java/BeanShell and debugging. Misuse may result in a system crash or data corruption.
JavaScript Debugging
This option controls browser debugging. To start, click Start Debugging. When you finish, click Stop Debugging.
Unlike the Debugging option above, JavaScript debugging produces pop-ups in the browser indicating which JS code is currently running. JavaScript debugging sees its main use in GUI development and testing. Use of this button is rarely if ever needed outside of development.
JavaScript debugging must be manually stopped with the Stop Debugging button. Otherwise, it continues to run.
Slow GUI Operation Detection
Agiloft automatically tracks the length of time each GUI operation takes to complete. If a GUI operation takes longer than the specified limit to complete, the system creates an entry in the server logs. This allows admins and developers to determine the frequency and context of slow GUI operations.
To set a new limit, enter the number of seconds in the box and click Set Limit. The limit is applied immediately.
Compare Knowledgebases
The Compare option is used to compare the structural differences between two selected KBs.
Any two KBs located on the same server may be compared by defining one of them as the source KB, and the other one as the target KB. The comparison will produce an Excel report listing all of the differences, as a downloadable link. Differences are organized by the type of item, i.e. Tables, Fields, Choices, Rules, Actions, Searches, Groups, Teams, Email Templates, Data Conversion, and Views. These items are displayed on separate tabs in the Excel file. If either the target or the source KB is broken and cannot be compared correctly, the system will report this damage so that the admin can contact Agiloft Support for assistance.
Get System State
Click Get System State to see information about the current state of the system. You can also save the information to a file.
This section contains several advanced utilities. Generally, you should not use these unless directed by Agiloft support.