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Pushback Actions

Pushback actions are designed to sync data in your Attachment table data with data in your contract documents if one is updated. For example, if you generate a contract and receive a negotiated version, you can use pushback actions to update the records in Agiloft to reflect the changes in the document.

This page details the recommended configuration for these action types. Note that these action types are available only in the Attachment table.


Before you use these actions, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the table in your KB that holds document templates.
  2. Click More > Print Records > Manage.
  3. Edit a template.
  4. Scroll down to the Advanced Tagging Options section and select both options.
    Options to Tag chained variable references and Tag Related tables and Embedded Search tables
  5. It's also recommended to select the last two options on the page:
    • Convert the Altchunks to normal paragraphs
    • Remove legacy markers from contract clauses
  6. Repeat these steps for each template that is active in your system.
  7. Click Finish.

Sync Contract Document Data to KB

To create a Sync Contract Document Data to KB action:

  1. Navigate to Setup [Attachments].
  2. Go to the Actions tab.
  3. Click Sync Contract Document Data to KB. The abbreviation is D2K, which stands for Document to KB.
  4. Enter a Name and optionally a Description.
  5. Click Next.
  6. On the Data Source tab, fill out the following fields depending on where you want to get your data from. The default system configuration is show below.
    Markup Against Baseline Contract File: Markup Against Baseline Contract File, Store Key Term Sync Log: Data Pushback Log, Store Contract Clause Sync Log: Clause Pushback Log
  7. Go to the Key Term Sync Options tab and use the inline wizard help text to fill it out.
  8. Go to the Contract Clause Sync Options tab tab and use the inline wizard help text to fill it out.
  9. Click Finish.

Sync Key Terms from KB to Document

To create a Sync Key Terms from KB to Document action:

  1. Navigate to Setup [Attachments].
  2. Go to the Actions tab.
  3. Click Sync Key Terms from KB to Document. The abbreviation is K2D, which stands for KB to Document.
  4. Enter a Name and optionally a Description.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Under Source field, select the field that holds the document you want to sync.
  7. Under Destination field, select the field that will hold the new, synced version of the document. You can choose to append the updated version to the same field if you want to hold multiple versions, like the example below. Or, you can remove the prior version and replace it with the new file using the overwrite option.
    Append the file to the field option selected

Configuring Pushback Actions in your KB

After you've created the actions, use these steps as a guide for adding them to your existing workflows.

Updating Rules

First, you may need to replace some settings in your KB with the new Pushback Action:

  1. Navigate to Setup [Attachments].
  2. Go to the Rules tab.
  3. Edit the rule containing PUSHBACK_CLAUSE_UPDATES.jar, which you can easily find with Ctrl+F.
  4. Remove the S: PUSHBACK_CLAUSE_UPDATES.jar action from the rule.
  5. Add whichever Pushback Action is appropriate for your workflow.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. Go to the Actions tab.
  8. Edit the action called Create Clause Modifications if First Revision.
  9. Go to the Details tab.
  10. Select PUSHBACK_CLAUSE_UPDATES.jar and click Delete.
  11. Add whichever Pushback Action is appropriate for your workflow to the space vacated by PUSHBACK_CLAUSE_UPDATES.jar.
  12. Click Finish in the If-Then-Else Action window.
  13. Click Finish in the Actions tab.

Creating Action Buttons

To add a Pushback Action to an action button, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Setup [Attachments].
  2. Go to the Fields tab.
  3. Hover over New and select Action Button.
  4. Give the field a label.
  5. Input the text that will be displayed on the action button in the Button with text field.
  6. Select Execute Actions.
  7. Click Add Action.
  8. Select your Pushback Action and click Finish.
  9. Click Add Action once more.
  10. Select an action called Set Pushback Data in Contract to Yes and click Finish.
  11. Click Finish in the Create/edit Field window.
  12. Click Finish in the Fields tab.

With the action button created, you can add the button to the record form, table view, or embedded tables as needed to suit your workflows.