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Navigating the Power User Interface

Users accessing the system through the Power User Interface are taken to the admin view of Agiloft. The default Power User Interface can be modified by adding different tables to the nav bar or charts to the dashboard.

Depending on the login page you use, access the Power User Interface by selecting Power User from the Interface drop-down menu, or simply enter a power user's login credentials.

Power User Interface Login Screen

Best Practices

While navigating the interface, follow a couple of best practices for the best experience:

  • You can use your browser's Back button, but avoid using the Forward button. The Back button works in almost all instances, but the Forward button often causes browser errors.
  • Enable pop-ups on your browser. Wizards, records, and other elements function as pop-ups, so you need to enable them for Agiloft to work properly.

The following Help articles provide an overview of the available features in the Power User Interface.