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External System Synchronization

The Agiloft synchronization subsystem provides facilities for automatic synchronization between Agiloft tables and corresponding records in some external system. Synchronization can be bidirectional or unidirectional in either direction.

Syncing can be used to transmit all the functionality that an external system has in common with Agiloft. For example, it allows the user to define table and field mappings, handle the communication of the data and determine which records need to be updated between each system. Each external system type also needs an external system Adaptor (ESA) to handle its unique characteristics. The ESA is responsible for implementing functions such as "List the available tables" "List the fields in a given table", "Create, Replace, Update, Delete a record". It is also possible to plug in a fully custom, third party ESA implementation and to share ESAs that you create with a particular system type. 

Agiloft comes with a prebuilt ESAs for common systems and new ones can be created by customers in Java or their choice of language. If the customer develops the ESA in Java, it can be linked with the Remote Proxy that actually communicates with the Sync subsystem. If the customer develops the ESA in some other language, it communicates with the Remote Proxy using standard I/O streams.

To be synchronized with Agiloft, an external system must have these properties:

  • It must be possible to obtain some kind of modification timestamp for each record. Typically this timestamp is held in the record itself, but this is not absolutely necessary.
  • Record IDs should not be changed or at least there must be a way to know any record ID as it was on the last sync. Record IDs can be "remapped" on a sync, but the old ID must be known to the ESA. This is used to track record matches.
  • Records from the external system, as presented to Sync by the ESA, must be grouped by structures, which are mapped precisely to Agiloft types or Tables, such as Contact/Employee. A structure can be a table, a folder or anything else that logically groups records in the external system. Within a given structure, external records must use the same set of field mappings.

A given Agiloft table can be synced with multiple external system and it is not necessary for all fields to be mapped. Existing ESAs provide support for synchronization with the File Directory, Microsoft Exchange, QuickBooks, Excel and other systems. The synchronization process is based on comparing record timestamps in the  Agiloft KB with record timestamps in the external system. For example, if a synchronization was run on Wednesday and is next run on Friday, it looks for all the records changed in one or both systems since Wednesday and propagates those updates to the other system. At the end of a synchronization process, both systems have matching data. Creation of new records or deletions may also be carried over to the other system if configured to do so. 

The term sync is also used to refer to syncing entity sets between KBs. With entity sets, rather than syncing record data to an external system from the KB, you can instead sync KBs so that they contain the same tables, fields, and other structural elements. This is primarily useful when structural changes are made in a development KB, or testing KB, and those changes are moved to the production KB after thorough testing. For information about this type of sync, see Pushing Changes to Production.

Sync Terminology


Agiloft Inc/ Agiloft Installation


Agiloft Synchronization Sub-system


Extensible Markup Language. See

external system

external system - separate from Agiloft


Standard Input/Output streams of console


Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol


Universal Resource Locator

URL Encoding

Encoding as prescribed in


Network Address Translation

CLCommand Line
ESAexternal system Adapter
ESA Proxy
Interface between the Agiloft sync subsystem and the ESA.
JDKJava Development Kit
RESTRepresentation State Transfer web service. See:
RPCRemote Procedure Call

Synchronization Options

Agiloft supports several synchronization options. The choice of which method is most appropriate depends upon your particular needs. 

The following table summarizes these options:

Sync OptionDescriptionPros and Cons
Web Services/REST

Used for general purpose, request-response integration with remote or local systems.


A website PHP script, which needs to check that there is a People table record in the Agiloft knowledgebase for some user email for a registration check.


The knowledgebase can be seen as an ordinary source, like a database; web services are now supported by virtually any platform.


  • Inflexible: the program is usually hard-coded and must be manually altered to add mappings for new tables or change existing mappings.
  • Low-level: extensive coding is required to provide reliability in case of connection failures, feedback on the Sync status, etc.
  • Moderate performance.

Best used to synchronize record copies between an Agiloft KB and an external system. When a record is modified on one system, it is automatically updated in the peer system, either immediately, or on a schedule, or by a manual sync request.

To achieve this functionality, the ESA must be able to connect to the Agiloft sync subsystem, and support Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) operations in the external system, which can be remote.


  • The ESA is high-level. It only needs to support CRUD operations in the external system and understand that system's data model.
  • There is no need for the ESA developer to understand anything about Agiloft or even have access to the production KB.
  • Flexible. Once an ESA has been written, it can be used with other Agiloft KBs without modification. The table and field mappings can be changed by the Agiloft administrator without any code changes to the ESA.
  • Developing an ESA is relatively easy because much of the work, such as comparing modification times, conflict resolution, and error processing, is done in the sync subsystem.


  • The external system must actually store records to sync with and these records must have a clearly-defined ID and timestamp.
  • Moderate performance unless the method to process multiple records in batch mode is implemented.
Custom Scripts

Custom scripts can be run by Agiloft upon some KB-defined conditions, such as when modifying a record. These scripts are executable and there is prebuilt support for Perl and Java scripts which are on the Agiloft server. Run conditions can be quite complex and can be fully integrated with a workflow set up in the KB.


Post data into Active MQ and generate a file in the shared network folder when a "Helpdesk Case" record is put into a "Scheduled" state and a staff person is assigned to work on the record.  


  • Fully integrated with workflow and business rules.
  • Very easy to write, easy access to record data.
  • Support for both reading and writing.


  • Data access is limited to the individual record provided by the business rule or workflow.


The structure with which an  Agiloft table can be synchronized may be a table, a folder or anything else which logically groups records, and can be presented or derived by the ESA from the external system. All records within a single structure must have the same set of fields.

As well as records, it is also possible to synchronize relations between external records. Those are used to update Linked Fields in  Agiloft.

Sync also supports Collection fields, which are something in between normal data field, holding single value and a relation to other table. Collection fields hold multiple values, which might be complex objects, with multiple fields. These objects can be mapped to a separate  Agiloft table, just as related records for relations. But, unlike a relation, which treats all records independently, these records are treated as a part of their master record. If any of them is modified, a master record is considered to be modified.

Sync Configuration

In summary, the Sync Configuration Wizard creates a record in  Agiloft holding:

  • The external system to sync with
  • The tables to be synchronized and their corresponding "Structures"
  • The fields to be synchronized within a Table-Structure pair
  • The relations to be synchronized
  • The directions -  Agiloft to XS, XS to  Agiloft or both - of updating
  • The command that launches the ESA
  • The "identifier" fields Sync uses to identify matching records

If a Sync Configuration is modified after it has been run, all previous peering of  Agiloft records with XS records is lost, and the next sync is treated as an entirely new synchronization.

Record Peering

For every record in an  Agiloft table or XS structure subject to a new sync, and for every such record created since the last sync, a corresponding record in the other system is determined, if it exists, by matching the Identifying fields - checked in the Field Mapping Wizard - from the two systems. If there's no such record, one is created. The two records are held by Sync in an  Agiloft ID - XS ID pair, thus peering the  Agiloft record with the external record. Logically, Sync treats the pair as a single data record, having  Agiloft and external views.

If a new record is created manually in both systems, the Identification process prevents Sync from duplicating them.


There are two algorithms for matching:

  • Best match: If there are 3 identifying fields, Sync first tries to match all 3. If there is no match, it tries matching by any 2 of 3. If there is still no match, it matches by any 1 of the 3 fields.
  • Exact match: If there are 3 identifying fields, Sync first tries to match all 3. If there is no match, it creates a new record.

The algorithm is selected in the Field Mapping GUI - Use strict match for identification checkbox. The choice of exact matching may prevent matching if any identifying field has non-unique values.

After the pairing is established, it isn't cleared until either one of these conditions is met:

  • The records are deleted in both systems
  • The peering information is reset by using the Reset Records Peering button on the General tab of the Sync Configuration edit GUI

Directional Synchronization and Conflict Resolution

There are several similar options that control how the External Sync Wizard handles the direction of synchronization, and specify how the system should handle conflicts that arise when the same records are updated in both systems. For example, the General tab of the External Sync Wizard allows you to define the direction of the sync as two-way, or only updating  Agiloft or the external system.

Additionally, you can define how the synchronization handles record conflicts between the systems. If you need to map multiple entities from one system to a single entity in the other, you can enable multi-to-multi table mapping for the sync configuration, but this limits the sync to one-way. You can use multi-to-multi table mapping and sync in both directions by creating two separate one-way sync configurations, one syncing from  Agiloft to the external system, and one going in the other direction.


  • Two-way sync: Allows mapping between objects in both directions - from  Agiloft to the external system, and the other way around. Records of the mapped tables synchronize in both systems. This option is disabled if you select Allow Multi to Multi Table Mapping.
  • Update  Agiloft only: Allows records to be updated in  Agiloft with values from the external system.
  • Update External System only: Allows records to be updated in the external system with values from  Agiloft


When there are two conflicting files, the system always chooses to keep one and discard the other. This can be based on the timestamps in the Last Updated Field for each record, or on the system which has been specified to take precedence. However, it is possible to specify the fields which should be overwritten in the Field Mapping Tab. Conflict handling in the General tab works in this way:

  • This system should take precedence: If both records have been changed to different values, the  Agiloft record is updated.


    • Last sync was performed at 07:39am
    • Last modified time of Agiloft record (e.g. Agiloft_1.doc): 07:45am
    • Last modified time of the external system record (e.g. Agiloft_10.doc) at Salesforce 07:47am

    The sync is run at 07:52am.

    In this case, the record with Agiloft values (Agiloft_1.doc) takes precedence.

  • External System should take precedence: If both records have been changed since the last sync to different values, the external record is updated.


    • Last sync was performed at 07:39am
    • Last modified time of Agiloft record (e.g. Agiloft_1.doc): 07:45am
    • Last modified time of the external system record (e.g. Agiloft_10.doc) at Salesforce 07:47am

    The sync is run at 07:52am.

    In this case, the record with external values (Agiloft_10.doc) takes precedence.

  • Take the most recent record: If both records have been changed since the last sync to different values, the most recently modified record is updated.

    • Last sync was performed at 07:39am
    • Last modified time of Agiloft record (e.g. Agiloft_1.doc): 07:45am
    • Last modified time of the external system record (e.g. Agiloft_10.doc) at Salesforce 07:47am

    The sync is run at 07:52am.

    In this case document Agiloft_10.doc takes precedence.

  • Duplicate records: The system creates a duplicate of each record with both external system and  Agiloft values. 

    • Last sync was performed at 07:39am
    • Last modified time of Agiloft record (e.g. Agiloft_1.doc): 07:45am
    • Last modified time of the external system record (e.g. Agiloft_10.doc) at Salesforce 07:47am

    The sync is run at 07:52am.

    In this case both the Salesforce and Agiloft systems has a duplicate of Agiloft_1 and Agiloft_10.

Table Update Type

In the Field Mapping wizard, the Table Update Type options define the sync direction for that specific table. The available options here are dependent on the sync direction. For example, if sync direction = Update Agiloft only, the available Table update type options are Synchronize and Import. 

  • Synchronize: Compares data and resolves conflicts using the options in the General tab. 
  • Export: Only allows data to be exported from  Agiloft to the external system for this table. This forcibly overwrites external records and always request all data from  Agiloft.
  • Import: Only allows data to be imported from the external system to  Agiloft for this table. This forcibly overwrites  Agiloft and always request all data from the external system. 

Export and Import do not attempt to synchronize the records by matching values and resolving conflicts. Instead, they simply overwrite all fields which are selected for mapping for the table. 

Allowed Operations

The allowed operations restrict Create/Update/Delete operations for the tables in the internal or external systems. These options are dependent on the sync direction, and if the direction does not permit an operation, the option is disabled. For example, if Sync Direction = Update External System only, Agiloft Create, Agiloft Update, and Agiloft Delete are disabled here and shown in gray.

Field Mapping

Field Mapping table showing External Field, Agiloft Field, Update in Agiloft, Update in External, Identifying, and Default Value in External columns

Within each table, each individual field also has the option to be updated in  Agiloft or the external system. As with the Allowed Operations, these options are dependent on the sync direction. Depending on the field selections here, the sync work in the following ways:

  • If Sync Direction = Two-way sync, and Allowed Operations = Agiloft Create/External Create, and Field A = Update in Agiloft - then during sync, the field is created during the first sync, and not updated or removed if the field value changes.
  • If Sync Direction = Update Agiloft only, and Allowed Operations = Agiloft Create/Update/Delete, and Field A = Update in Agiloft - then during sync, the field is created in Agiloft during the first sync, and updated or deleted whenever it changes and re-synchronizes in the external system.

Dual Synchronization Problem

If two or more external systems are kept in sync with a given  Agiloft Table - which means using two or more different Sync Configurations - and if conflicts are resolved by preserving the most recent value, the results are affected by the order in which the synchronizations are run.

Suppose an updatable field in the 3 systems XS A, XS B and  Agiloft has the values and timestamps shown, and we synchronize A with  Agiloft, and then B with  Agiloft at 4p.m:

XS A p (3p.m) => p (4p.m)
XS B q (2p.m) => p (4p.m)
Agiloft r (1p.m) => p (4p.m) 

The first update changes  Agiloft because 3 p.m. > 1 p.m, and the second changes XS B because 4 p.m > 2 p.m 

But if we synchronize B first, and then A, the effect is:

XS A p (3p.m) => q (4p.m)
XS B q (2p.m) => q (4p.m)
Agiloft r (1p.m) => q (4p.m)

The first update changes  Agiloft because 2p.m > 1p.m, and the second changes XS A because 4p.m > 3p.m. 

This is because there is only one timestamp on each value in a pair, whether it results from sync or user updating.