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Custom Summary Report Widgets

Custom Summary Report widgets bring the flexibility of Custom Summary Reports into Dashboards. Custom summary reports support Table VariablesFormulas, and other variables, inserted from multiple tables into the HTML editor.

Manage Custom Summary Report Widgets

In the Options tab of the widget wizard, select a report from the list of summary reports in the system. You can also create a new report by selecting a table and clicking Create Report. From there, you can make a new report linked to the table you selected.

If you select "Yes" in Apply Dashboard Filters, the values used in the summary report widget can be filtered in real-time by the searches used in the dashboard filters

Custom Summary Report Widget Appearance

If you create a custom look and feel for the widget in the General tab of the setup, it applies to the entire display area of the report. However, if the report contains custom HTML with its own styles, they override the custom look and feel in the report area, and only the widget body around the report uses the widget style.