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Adobe Sign Setup

This article describes the setup process that an administrator should follow to integrate a KB with AdobeSign. To use Adobe Sign for contract management and other eSigning requirements, see Manage Documents with Adobe Sign. To set up AdobeSign, you must complete the Integration wizard, as well as have an existing AdobeSign account.


You need an Adobe Sign developer or production account that has been configured with the correct web settings to allow private messaging and user-specified routing order, and has all the users you want to add. 

Prepare Adobe Sign Account

This setup assumes that you already have an Adobe Sign production account that has been configured with the correct web settings to allow private messaging and user-specified routing order, and has all the users you want to add.

First, create the application in Adobe Sign:

  1. Log in to the your Adobe Sign account at the Adobe Sign Login Page and follow their instructions to create a new API application.
    1. Add a name and a display name, and then select a domain. If you plan to use Adobe Sign internally only, select the Customer domain.
    2. Click Save. The application appears in the list.
  2. Select the application and click Configure OAuth for Application.
    API Application setup window showing OAuth configuration button
  3. In Redirect URI, enter:
  4. Enable all of the scopes listed, set the Modifier to account, and click Save. If you prefer to limit access to specific group membership, select group instead of account for the Modifier.
  5. Open the Adobe application settings for viewing while you configure the knowledgebase integration, taking note of the Application ID and Client Secret string values. You need these values later in the setup. 

After you create the API application, do not change the values. If you need to make changes, delete the application and create a new one. Editing an existing application often produces errors, and might prevent you from using it at all.

Now, before moving on, if you created your application in the Partner domain in step 1, we recommend that you certify your application. This makes sure you have have full and unlimited access to the account features. The certification status is visible at the bottom of the View/Edit screen of the application.

Certification Status: UNCERTIFIED message

If the account is uncertified, you must enable these options:

  1. Select Account > Account Settings > Security Settings.
  2. Ensure that these options are both selected under the API heading:
    • Allow Uncertified partner applications to access data from this account
    • Allow users who aren't account administrators to develop applications that use the Adobe Sign API

Register Account with Agiloft

Follow the process below to set up Adobe Sign in Agiloft.

  1. Navigate to the Setup gear icon and click Integration. Look under the Adobe Sign heading.
  2. Click Configure and proceed to step 3. However, if the button is labeled Deploy:
      1. Click Deploy to deploy the Adobe Sign configuration elements to the KB.
      2. Click OK on the message that appears. The system adds all the necessary configuration elements, which may take a few minutes. When complete, proceed to step 3.
  3. In the Adobe Sign wizard, select an Email field from the People table. For example, you might use the Email field for the user's primary email, or a dedicated Email field like Adobe Sign Sending Account. This is used to identify the sender and determine whether you send agreements from a single account or multiple accounts.
  4. Click Register a New Account. This opens the Adobe Sign Licensing Portal in Agiloft.
  5. On the main Account screen, select the account type. Adobe Sign Developer accounts can be created specifically for testing purposes. When creating a testing account, register a separate account from the main account you intend to use for production. We recommend first creating the Developer account for testing, as this can be changed to a Production account when testing is complete. For more information about moving from a Developer account to a Production account, see Transition to Production Environment.
    • Development accounts are used for testing. Documents produced by this account type include watermarks and are not intended for actual production use. 
    • Production accounts are used in live environments. 
  6. Enter the account email address. Your Adobe Sign account email address must be unique to the current KB due to requirements in licensing. If you enter an email address already being used in another KB, you receive an error message and are unable integrate your account. It is best to use an admin or system account for this address rather than an end user account.
  7. Confirm Use OAuth2.0 Type 2 is set to Yes.
  8. Verify your server URL. In your browser tab or window still logged in to Adobe Sign, copy the domain name from the address bar, including the .com in the address. For example, your domain might be something like

  9. Go back to the Account screen in Agiloft and ensure that the server URL you copied matches the URL in the "Adobe Sign account server URL" field. If it doesn't, replace the old URL with the one you just copied in step 8.
  10. Enter the Application ID and Client Secret.
  11. Enter the name and company information you want to show on your agreements. Remember that if you plan to use a single shared account, the name you enter here is shown on all agreements sent from Agiloft.
  12. Click Save and close the account screen.

Finally, return to the main Agiloft browser window, which should still be on the Adobe Sign setup wizard.

  1. Back in the Agiloft Adobe Sign setup, click Proceed with Account Setup.

  2. In the Knowledge Base Server URL field, enter the first part of the URL in your current address bar. This is usually something like Do not include a slash (/) at the end of the URL.

  3. Click Grant Access to Adobe Sign Connect. This opens the Adobe Sign page where you can log in and grant access to the knowledgebase using your Adobe Sign credentials. 

  4. Log in to Adobe Sign and then click Allow Access.
  5. Once the connection has been successfully established, return to the KB and click Grant Access again. Make sure the Access Granted field says Yes. At this point, you can add or edit Adobe Sign agreement actions and corresponding action buttons if necessary. For more information, see Add Adobe Sign Actions to Other Tables.
  6. Click Save.

Configure Adobe Sign Account Web Settings

You might need to adjust the Adobe Sign configuration once the account is created.

Enable Message and Send Settings

Once you have an Adobe Sign account, log in to Adobe Sign and complete the following steps to ensure certain settings are enabled.

  1. In the Adobe Sign Account menu, select Account > Account Settings > Send Settings.
  2. If you want to use additional recipient roles like delegators and acceptors, select the appropriate values under Allowed Recipient Roles.
  3. Under Private Messages to Recipients, select "Allow senders to include a private message to each of the recipients."
    Allow private messages in Adobe Sign settings
  4. Under Signing Order, select "Recipients will sign in any order," "Allow senders to select signing order," and "Allow senders to specify hybrid routing order."
  5. Click Save.

For information on adding senders through the Adobe Sign web interface, see Add Users in Adobe Sign, or see Add Users in Agiloft to add senders through your knowledgebase.

Configure Digital Signature Settings

Adobe Sign accounts on the Adobe Sign EU1 instance in Europe have eIDAS compliant Qualified Timestamps applied by default. If your organization isn't based in Europe, but you need your signatures to be e-IDAS compliant, make sure that digital signatures are enabled in Adobe Sign under Account > Account Settings > Digital Signatures. For more information, refer to the Adobe Sign documentation about eIDAS and configuring digital signatures.

Customize Branding

With Adobe Sign, you can customize the eSignature process to reflect your own branding. For instructions, see the Adobe Sign article about adding branding to your account.

Transition to Production Environment

A single knowledgebase can be used to both test the Adobe Sign integration in development and then use it in production. Once testing has been completed successfully, perform the following steps to change the account type to Production:

  1. In  Agiloft, navigate to Setup > Integration and click Configure under Adobe Sign.
  2. Click Deactivate Account to disconnect the Development account.
  3. Click OK in the confirmation dialog.
  4. On the Integration screen, again click Configure under Adobe Sign.
  5. Click Register a New Account.
  6. Select the Production checkbox.
  7. Register a new Production account by following the steps above to create an account.

Recommended Migration Process

Due to the complications inherent with migrating user accounts in Adobe Sign, we recommend a process of testing and then migration:

  1. Set up a development knowledgebase with test accounts for Adobe Sign.
  2. Perform testing to make sure the signature process works as desired.
  3. Export the relevant entities, such as the Adobe Sign Agreements table and relevant action buttons in other tables, to a production knowledgebase.
  4. In the development knowledgebase, deactivate the Adobe Sign integration and remove the test accounts.
  5. In the production knowledgebase, set up the real user accounts for Adobe Sign.

This process prevents situations where the user accounts need to be unlocked manually with Adobe Support. If you need to unlock accounts with Adobe Support, see Using Senders with Existing Adobe Sign Accounts.

Retrieve Audit Reports

You can automatically retrieve the Adobe Sign Audit Report with the signed document via email. The Audit Report is generated by Adobe Sign and includes details about the document, its creation, its signing status, and transaction information.

  1. Click Setup Adobe Sign Agreements to access the Table wizard.
  2. On the Layout tab, add the Include Audit Report with Signed Document field to the layout and save your changes.
  3. Select Yes in the field for an Adobe Sign Agreement record. You can also use a rule to automatically set this field to Yes.

You can also view the Audit Report from within your Adobe Sign account. For information on the required steps and permission settings to view audit reports, see Adobe's Agreement History and Audit Report help guide.

Further Reading

Now that you have Adobe Sign configured in your KB, consider: