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ALperf Common Use

ALperf can be used to retrieve system level information like CPU load and disk usage. To instantiate ALperf, import it and call its constructor without passing any arguments:

from ALperf import ALperf
perf_data = ALperf()

Here is a sample code that makes use of the ALperf module.

# Synopsis:
# Store the CPU load in a record of the KB and alert the sysadmin
# if the load is higher than a threshold.
import sys
from ALget import ALget
from ALset import ALset
from ALperf import ALperf
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText

def action(inputXMLFile, outputXMLFile):
    get_data = ALget(inputXMLFile)
    set_data = ALset(outputXMLFile)
    perf_data = ALperf()
    cpu_load = perf_data.cpuLoad
    set_data.recordField("field_load", str(cpu_load))
    if cpu_load > 2:
            body = ("The current load on the server is high.\n"
                    "Please take a look.\n\n"
                    "Thank you,\n")
            msg = MIMEText(body)
            msg['Subject'] = "Alert: Server load is high"
            msg['From'] = ""
            msg['To'] = ""
            s = smtplib.SMTP('agiloft.mail')
            s.sendmail("", "", msg.as_string())
            set_data.recordField("notes", "There was a problem sending email\n")

action(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])

The sample code above retrieves the cpuLoad attribute from the ALperf module.

Here is a list of the attributes available for retrieval:

  • hostName
  • ipAddress
  • systemBoot
  • osType
  • osDistro
  • osBuild
  • gLibc
  • cpuCount
  • ramTotal
  • ramUsed
  • memAvailable
  • swapTotal
  • swapUsed
  • databaseType
  • databaseAddress
  • jbossType
  • jbossMem
  • mysqlMem
  • cpuLoad
  • topCpuProcess
  • topMemProcess
  • appDiskUsed
  • appDiskFree
  • dbDiskUsed
  • dbDiskFree
  • baseDir

Here is a list of the methods (functions) available from the module:-

  • getCpuModel()
  • getJreVersion()
  • getNginxVersion()
  • getAppBootTime()
  • getHeapUsage()
  • getDbVersion()
  • getDbOptionValue(dbOption)
  • getStorageType()